Dec 20, 2024





1. 促进生长发育:菜籽油中的营养成分能促进儿童骨骼、肌肉等组织的生长发育,提高儿童的生长速度。

2. 维护生理代谢:菜籽油中的维生素E、不饱和脂肪酸等成分有助于调节儿童新陈代谢,维持身体健康。

3. 降低胆固醇含量:菜籽油中的不饱和脂肪酸具有降低胆固醇的作用,有助于预防儿童心血管疾病。

4. 预防疾病:菜籽油中的营养成分有助于提高儿童免疫力,预防疾病。


1. 选择优质菜籽油:购买时,应选择信誉良好的品牌,确保食用油的质量。

2. 控制食用量:适量食用菜籽油,避免过量摄入。

3. 交替使用:与其他食用油交替使用,以保证儿童摄入的营养均衡。


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Nov 15, 2024


1. **降低血糖**:柚子中含有类似胰岛素的成分铬,对于糖尿病患者来说,可以作为辅助调节血糖的食品。


2. **降低胆固醇**:柚子含有丰富的维生素C,有助于降低血液中的胆固醇含量。


3. **降血压和心血管保护**:柚子中的钾元素含量高,对于高血压患者来说是一种有益的水果。

4. **补充叶酸**:孕妇食用柚子可以预防贫血,同时有助于胎儿的健康发育。

5. **促进钙和铁的吸收**:食用柚子可以帮助身体更容易地吸收钙和铁,增强体质。


6. **美肤养颜**:柚子具有去除皮肤瑕疵、美白肌肤、紧实肌肤等功效。

7. **降低中风风险**:柚子中含有的天然叶酸和其他营养成分有助于降低中风风险。

8. **减肥**:柚子低GI(血糖生成指数)的特性使其成为减肥者的理想选择。

9. **保护心脏**:柚子对心脏健康有益,可以帮助保护心血管。

10. **辅助治疗疾病**:柚子具有健胃、润肺、补血、清肠、利便等功效,可促进伤口愈合,对败血症等有良好的辅助疗效。

11. **解酒、化痰止咳**:柚子对于伤酒、慢性咳嗽、痰多气喘等症状有缓解作用。

12. **去火**:柚子性寒,具有清热去火的功效。


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Nov 10, 2024


### 艾叶水饮的功效:

1. **温经止血**:艾叶水具有温经止血的作用,适用于治疗由于寒性原因导致的各种血证,如吐血、鼻衄、咳血、便血等。

2. **散寒止痛**:对于寒性疼痛,如痛经、心腹冷痛等,艾叶水能有效缓解症状。


3. **祛湿止痒**:对于湿疹、皮肤疥癣、皮肤痛痒或寒性溃疡等症状,艾叶水有良好的治疗作用。

4. **安胎**:艾叶水对于胎动不安、月经失调等妇科疾病有一定的调治作用。

5. **抗菌和增强免疫力**:现代药理研究发现,艾叶具有一定的抗菌和抗病毒作用,可以增强免疫力。

6. **驱寒**:在冬季寒冷时,饮用艾叶水可以帮助驱除体内寒气,尤其是对于女性。

7. **镇静安神**:艾叶水泡脚可以活血、安神,提高睡眠质量。

8. **驱虫驱邪**:在民间,艾叶常用于驱虫和驱邪,如在端午节时将艾叶悬挂在家中。

### 艾叶水饮的影响:

1. **外用和内服**:艾叶水既可外用(如艾灸),也可内服,但内服剂量需要控制。

2. **注意事项**:艾叶水不宜过量或长期饮用,特别是阴虚血热者、血燥生热者、阴虚火旺者及宿有失血病者需慎用或禁用。

3. **个体差异**:不同人对艾叶水饮的反应可能不同,某些人可能会出现不适或过敏反应。

4. **药理研究**:现代药理研究显示,艾叶含有多种有效成分,如挥发油、矿物质、蛋白质、维生素等,这些成分对人体的多种生理功能有积极作用。


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Nov 5, 2024


### 莲子的功效与作用

1. **健脾止泻**:莲子性平、味甘涩,能入心、脾、肾经,具有补脾止泻的作用,对于脾虚泄泻、久痢等症状有很好的缓解效果。
2. **益肾涩精**:莲子能益肾涩清,对于遗精、淋浊等肾虚症状有一定的治疗作用。
3. **养心安神**:莲子有助于养心安神,常用于治疗失眠、健忘、心烦口渴等病症。
4. **增强体质**:莲子含有丰富的营养成分,对于久病、产后或老年体虚者,能增强体质,提高免疫力。


5. **防癌抗癌**:莲子中所含的氧化黄心树宁碱对鼻咽癌有抑制作用,具有一定的防癌抗癌功能。
6. **降血压**:莲子中所含的非结晶形生物碱N9具有降血压作用。
7. **滋补品**:莲子含有棉子糖,是老少皆宜的滋补品,对于增强体力、提高工作效率、预防老年痴呆等都有积极作用。


### 茯苓的功效与作用

1. **利水渗湿**:茯苓味甘、淡、性平,能入药具有利水渗湿的功效,对于水肿、小便不利等症状有很好的治疗作用。
2. **健脾和胃**:茯苓能健脾和胃,对于脾虚泄泻、胃虚不欲饮食等症状有缓解作用。
3. **宁心安神**:茯苓具有宁心安神的作用,对于心神不安、心悸等情绪问题有缓解作用。
4. **辅助治疗癌症**:茯苓在临床上也被用作辅助治疗各种癌症的良药。
5. **抗衰老**:茯苓具有一定的抗衰老作用。
6. **保护肠胃和肝脏**:茯苓能有效预防肠胃溃疡,治疗肠管松弛,并对胃酸有一定的抑制作用,同时,对肝脏也有保护作用。

### 莲子与茯苓的联合作用



1. **增强健脾利湿**:莲子与茯苓结合,可以增强健脾利湿的效果,对于脾虚湿盛引起的症状有很好的治疗作用。
2. **宁心安神**:两者的结合有助于宁心安神,对于失眠、健忘等症状有很好的改善作用。
3. **增强免疫力**:莲子与茯苓共同使用,可以提高免疫力,增强体质。
4. **辅助治疗癌症**:两者的联合使用,可以辅助治疗癌症。


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Oct 30, 2024


1. **高蛋白质含量**:花生、芝麻和豆类都含有丰富的植物蛋白,能够满足人体对蛋白质的需求,有助于肌肉生长和修复。

2. **补血作用**:花生和芝麻都有补血的效果,适合贫血人群或需要增加血液中红细胞数量的人群。

3. **乌发护发**:芝麻含有丰富的维生素E和生物素,对头发健康有益,能够预防脱发和促进头发生长。

4. **润五脏**:芝麻和豆类都有润五脏的作用,有助于改善消化系统的功能。

5. **补肝肾**:芝麻和豆类都有补肝肾的效果,适合肝肾不足的人群。


6. **润燥开胃**:在干燥的季节,如秋季,饮用花生芝麻豆浆可以帮助润燥,增强食欲。

7. **促进新陈代谢**:花生和芝麻中含有多种对人体有益的氨基酸和维生素,能够促进新陈代谢,有助于身体吸收其他营养。

8. **改善脑功能**:豆浆中含有丰富的微量元素,有助于改善脑血流,对提高脑功能有益。

9. **降低血糖**:豆浆中的纤维素有助于减缓糖分的吸收,对于控制血糖水平有一定的帮助。

10. **养颜润肤**:花生和芝麻中的营养成分有助于养颜润肤,适合追求美容养颜的人群。

11. **适宜孕妇饮用**:孕妇适量饮用花生芝麻豆浆,可以补充维生素和蛋白质,对胎儿也有益。


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Oct 25, 2024



1. **增强免疫力**:羊初乳中含有丰富的免疫球蛋白(如IgG),这些免疫因子能够有效抵抗肠道致病微生物,为人体提供被动免疫保护,增强抵抗力,从而预防多种疾病。

2. **促进生长发育**:羊初乳的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质含量丰富,易于人体消化吸收。对于婴幼儿,羊初乳中的营养能促进大脑发育,增强智力,并有助于胃肠及肝脏等器官的生长发育。

3. **补钙强骨**:羊初乳中的钙分子细小,乳糖分子小,有助于钙质的吸收,对青春期儿童的生长发育尤为有益,同时有助于预防骨质疏松和其他骨骼疾病。

4. **调节胃酸**:羊初乳呈碱性,其中的上皮细胞生长因子能减少胃酸分泌,有助于防治人体肠道溃疡,对胃酸分泌过多或溃疡病患者有良好的治疗作用。

5. **营养补充**:羊初乳含有多种维生素、矿物质和微量元素,能够满足人体日常所需,特别是对于孕期和哺乳期妇女,羊初乳能补充多种营养元素,促进胎儿的大脑及视网膜发育。

6. **辅助治疗**:羊初乳含有磷、钙等矿物质,可以帮助排出肝脏内的有害脂肪,对尿频、手脚冰凉等状况有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **易消化吸收**:羊初乳的脂肪球更小,蛋白质凝块细软,婴幼儿对羊初乳的消化率高达94%以上,因此非常适合婴幼儿和老年人饮用。


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Oct 21, 2024


1. **养胃护胃**:南瓜性温,味甘无毒,具有养胃、保护胃黏膜的功效,适合胃寒、胃痛的人群食用。

2. **助消化**:南瓜中的粗纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,有助于食物消化,对改善消化不良、便秘有积极作用。

3. **增强免疫力**:南瓜含有丰富的维生素A和维生素C,能够增强人体的免疫力,预防感冒和其他疾病。

4. **调节血糖**:南瓜含有较多的膳食纤维,能够降低血糖,适合糖尿病患者食用。

5. **润肺止咳**:南瓜具有润肺、止咳、化痰的作用,对于咳嗽、痰多等症状有一定的缓解效果。

6. **补血养颜**:红枣含有丰富的铁质和维生素,能够补血养颜,适合女性食用,有助于改善面色。

7. **保护心血管健康**:红枣中的抗氧化物质有助于保护心血管健康,降低心血管疾病的风险。

8. **改善睡眠**:红枣具有安神的作用,有助于改善睡眠质量,对失眠多梦有较好的缓解效果。


9. **促进伤口愈合**:红枣中的天然胶质有助于伤口愈合,对手术后恢复有积极作用。

10. **降低胆固醇**:小米含有丰富的B族维生素和膳食纤维,有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平。

11. **调节脾胃**:小米性温,具有健脾益胃的作用,适合脾胃虚弱的人群食用。


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Jul 10, 2024

This time, it’s not that a King Kong Bodhisattva died, but that there are several great magical powers in the Buddha Lingshan Buddhism. Although Papman’s minions have completely fallen, all beings in the three realms don’t know.

"You can forgive me for killing me Lingshan Bodhisattva repeatedly and boldly!"
The roar from the misty mountain really shook the mountain like a spring thunder exploding.
At once, Sanskrit came and four horrible figures surrounded the misty mountain. There were several Buddhists, soldiers, monks, dragons, sects, etc., and Wu Ming could never escape.
Four immortal buddhas, namely, the longevity Buddha in the south, the king Buddha in the south treasure building, the corpse Buddha in the south and the happy Buddha in the south, have arrived!
For a time, the Three Realms were so frightened that I saw the strength and horror of Buddhism.
The four buddhas are just sitting in four convenient places to completely suppress Wu Ming. At this moment, it is impossible to escape by relying on evasion.
Everyone in Huanghuaguan except Wu Ming is always daring with horror. At the moment, I dare not say that Wu Ming can win. This is impossible! After the second town killed King Kong, the Buddha was almost defeated after a short fight. Now, if the four immortal buddhas can win?
Wu Ming is also looking solemn in the face of this kind of way. Even Zhenyuan comes, he has to kneel down. He is a semi-hanging fairy Lord, but there is not much fear in his heart. He is not a small role of Tom, dick and Harry.
Sure enough, I saw Zhang Tianshi, Ge Xianweng and Xu Zhenren coming together.
"The four Buddha brothers are polite!"
"I have seen three great heavenly teachers."
Several people salute each other and die without coming.
Shoufu Buddha took the lead in saying, "The three heavenly masters are not my Buddhist rites, but it is too much to kill evil. Today, if you don’t give a statement, it will be difficult for hundreds of millions of Buddhists to make peace!"
Unexpectedly, Wu Ming was killed when he didn’t come. He came to the three heavenly teachers and immediately asked, "What do you want me to say?"
The pure Buddha said, "Although you are guilty, my Buddha is merciful and willing to give you a chance to turn over a new leaf, and at the same time, you can enter my Buddhism to be a protector. donkey kong hereby forgives you."
Wu Ming hasn’t spoken yet. Zhang Tianshi can’t help it.
"I’ve been waiting a long time to be your fucking protector, King Kong forbearance. Today, I’ll try my best!"
Wu Ming naturally won’t hold the teacher back at this time, but he can’t go there 33 days away to exercise the handle of the immortal ancestor. I’m afraid the teacher will have to collect the body for himself in two rounds
Immediately, he made a sacred tree with a painted halberd and shouted, "Who will fight with me?"
"Amitabha Buddha, the old monk, learn from the true monarch’s means." Pilu’s corpse came out with a withered face and bare feet.
The rest of the three Tianshi and the three Buddhas all turned the rainbow light to thirty-three days, and suddenly they saw the thunder rolling and the Buddha’s voice bursting, and people could get close.
Fa learned that Wu Ming was also worried about the reality of the war between the two worlds, but then he faced great pressure from his opponent.
The buddhas in the Lingshan Mountain, the corpse of Nanpilu, rank sixth. In front of him, there are pure and happy buddhas, Maitreya Buddha, Tathagata Buddha, and pharmacist Buddha burning lanterns. The status of several buddhas is also called ten thousand buddhas, and the Buddha is not bad.
The Bodhisattva tree is no longer bound. In an instant, the canopy covers the sky, and the huge tree body covers Pilu’s corpse Buddha, but he does not shy away from facing Wu Ming, who has the power of the immortal ancestors.
The branches of the sacred tree swept away a layer of faint Buddha’s light from Pilu’s corpse Buddha, and after the branches of the sacred tree touched that layer of Buddha’s light, they suddenly seemed to be immobilized by the general method.
Wu Ming was a little surprised, and then he suggested that the avatar poured thunder, flame, poisonous sand, poisonous fog, etc. toward the Pilu corpse Buddha, but they were all close to each other and could not be stopped by the Buddha’s light.
Then realize that all laws are inviolable!
No wonder this Pilu corpse Buddha is so confident, whether it’s a sacred tree or a magic weapon, etc. He can’t be Wu Ming’s own mana is far less than that of his ancestors.
"If Amitabha really means this, go back to Lingshan with the old monk," said Pilu corpse Buddha.
Wu Ming had no choice but to take back his avatar and smash at the old monk with his fist, not including his fist. Now he can avoid such rude play. After all, he has never seen any Buddha or bodhisattva roll his sleeves or fight with a machete!
Whether King Kong is not a bad Buddha or Pilu’s corpse Buddha actually forced him to roll his sleeves but not destroy the golden body to bless Wu Ming’s fear.
Chapter 525 It’s a pity to lose the strength of the earth.
Pilu’s corpse Buddha became a Buddha a long time ago, and it is even more obvious that Buddha Sakyamuni learned about penance before. 10 robberies did not eat, drink or sleep, but eventually he made great efforts to become a Buddha.
Wu Ming deceives his body and approaches Pilu’s corpse Buddha, but he still doesn’t move. He punches Mount Tai beyond the North Sea potential and hits Pilu’s corpse Buddha’s face.
See a dry arm as if conveniently lift will all wu terrorist forces.
The strength contained in this thin body is like a erupting volcano releasing poor strength, and the Buddha throws an elephant!
Wu Ming was suddenly smashed out, which was the strength and wisdom of Pilu’s corpse Buddha, who was not afraid of Wu Ming’s wrestling.
In addition, there are many Buddhist Ministry of War and Tianlong Department, etc., which surround Yanxia Mountain.
Piroga, the scorpion essence, each held a three-pronged diamond pestle against Tianlong, and blocked several powerful golden immortals to prevent Yu Fobing from entering the Huanghuaguan.
The bodies of two jujube trees also suddenly skyrocketed. Although it is not as good as making a sacred tree cover thousands of miles, there are also hundreds of huge branches pumping wildly, which will knock down the Buddha soldiers one by one, and the mice Jin Nian will also hide in the ground and dig out deep pits one by one to constantly disturb the formation.

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Jul 9, 2024

"Forget it. I’m not going to show you the card anyway."

"This … I’m better than" can’t bear the rare card. Temptation City still agreed to Guiping’s terms.
"Well, I also want to see what the card is. Let me be the referee!" Double six is very good at taking advantage, which makes Guiping and Pingcheng sigh that ginger is still great.
Two minutes later, Guiping dueled the city next to the gamer.
"I will attack the card first!" The city draws a card from the duel deck and puts it in the hand card. "My black panther Pansavoria (attack 2, defense 16) attacks to indicate summoning and then stamps a card on the table. The round is over!"
"I draw cards in turn!" Guiping drew out his hand card to fight back against the city. "I’ll cover two cards on the table first and then digitally attack Brad Vorus (attack 19, prevent 12) to indicate summoning!"
"Digital … Brad Wallus?" I saw the monster city and the double six eyes, which were slowly piled up by small squares on the other side’s field. "That kind of monster … have never seen it before?"
"It’s not over yet. I launched a magic card from my hand card to" unify virus mutation "! Desktop digital Brad Wallus sacrifices to summon a digital monster from the deck! Show up, Blue Eye Digital Dragon! "
Accompanied by Guiping’s call, the digital Blatter Vorus instantly collapsed on the table, and when those small squares were combined, they appeared in front of the city, impressively, it was the blue-eyed white dragon of the hippocampus!
"Blue-eyed digital dragon (attack 3, defense 25)? What do you think of this guy? " Just as the city was amazed that Guiping would summon the blue-eyed white dragon, Guiping launched a step attack.
"When the digital monster is specially summoned to the scene, I can start the Gaikari trap card!" Guiping a Yang hand mesa a cover card immediately set up "smash the city cover card! The trap card’ data deletion’ is launched! "
"I … I’m an angel roll!" Seeing that his Gaika was shattered, the city exclaimed, but Guiping did not give him a chance to exclaim, and then the offensive against the city was exhibited.
"I’m blue digital dragon to attack the black leopard warrior! Look at the digital destruction and spray white light! !”
Blue-eyed Digital Dragon roared and spewed out blazing white light, which instantly destroyed the Panthers in the city, and the life score of the city dropped by 1 point because of this powerful blow.
"Good … competitive! Is this small really that Guiping? "
"Well, it’s your turn at the end of my round." Guiping calmly spread his hands, but he couldn’t hide the excitement of victory. Pegsas, who made this deck, didn’t say it was strong, of course, or he wouldn’t be so confident to beat the city.
"Damn it, how can you lose to this little one!" The city was angry and pulled out a card to join the hand card and then arranged the hand card on the scene. "I called the forbearing dog Wanda Dogg (attack 1, defend 1) to attack, and then equipped the magic’ unicorn horn’ on Wanda Dogg to increase Wanda Dogg’s attack power and defense power by 7 points, and finally covered a card. Round is over!"
"I draw cards in turn!" Guiping draws a card from the deck to join the hand card and then arranges the table card bureau. "I will cover a card on the table first and then start the magic card’ strong desire pot’ to draw two cards from the deck to join the hand card!"
When Guiping pulled the card out of his hand and saw the card he held, he finally couldn’t help but show a smug smile.
"Sorry, I want to solve you in this round! I first attack to summon the digital javelin dragon (attack 19, defense), and then launch the magic card’ data decomposition’ from my hand to pay 1 health value. The digital javelin dragon specially summons the triode elf (attack 6, defense 1)! Then launch the triode elf special effect three-body triode elf sacrifice to summon a seven-star digital monster card from the deck! Show up, digital dark guide (attack 27, defense 21)! "
"No way, is it the dark Lord after the blue eyes and white dragons?" Seeing the game signboard card, the Dark Lord also appeared in the mesa city, and my eyes were wide open.
"When the digital dark guide is successfully summoned, it can launch its special effect to make a magic card in the cemetery rejoin the hand card!" Guiping reached out and pointed to the city. "I want to add back that the card in my hand is a’ unified virus mutation’!"
"What? Don’t …! " As soon as the city was shocked, it immediately thought of the defeat in the first round. Sure enough, Guiping immediately played out the magic card of returning your hand. "My digital dark guide festival specially summoned the second blue-eyed digital dragon from the deck!" The digital dark Lord on the table immediately decomposed the small squares and reassembled them into the second digital dragon with a majestic face and blue eyes.
"I’m going to make the last hand stuck with the magic card’ the dead Su Sheng’ to resurrect the digital dark guide!" Gui Ping offered his last trump card "The Dead Su Sheng" to make the digital dark guide who had already disappeared return to the table again. "When the digital dark guide is successfully summoned, you can add a magic card from the cemetery to your hand card again! Come back’ unified virus mutation’! Then the Digital Dark Devil’s Guide Festival launched the’ Unified Virus Mutation’ to summon the third blue-eyed digital dragon from the deck! "
In a short moment, three giant blue-eyed digital dragons appeared on the platform of Guiyu, facing the city and the dog Wanda Dogg in front of him, making a provocative roar
"There are … there are three blue-eyed digital dragons …!" Looking at the three blue eyes in front of me, Digital Dragon City turned white.
"Launch the special ability of digital monster card. When the digital monster card is fused, you can fuse by yourself without’ fusing’ the magic card by paying 1 health point!" With a wave of his hand, Guiping immediately broke down the small squares and then regrouped into a huge three-headed dragon. "Show up to investigate the digital dragon (attack 45, defend 3)!" Attack the Chengren dog! Digital destruction research pole sprays white light! !”
"Fold!" The city pressed the fold button and started to lie down early in the morning to fold the cards on the spot. At this critical moment, he was really glad that he could have such a successful hand. "Let’s start the devil’s roll to reduce the opponent’s attack value!"
Seeing the city launch the fold, Guiping also quickly launched the final chain "trap card’ digital shield mirror reflection’" to launch this trap card, which can be launched to reflect the magic and trap card effect back when the other party launches the quick attack magic and trap! You should set your own trap or step on it yourself! "
"What?" The city could hardly believe its eyes. However, the fact is that the cruel devil rolled out the dice and the attack power was halved at two points. As soon as the attack power of the dog was reduced to 9 and then attacked by the attack power of Jiji Digital Dragon 45, the city’s health was deducted by more than 36 points, and the original 3 health points of the city were immediately returned.
After two rounds of peer-to-peer, although Cheng and Shuang Liu didn’t want to admit it, Guiping did win the duel.
"ah, wow! Great! " Guiping jumped almost three feet high with joy. "I won!" I beat the city! I am as good as my brother and the game! "
"What’s the kid’s pride? I let you …" The failed city is still mouth shut, but its attitude is not as arrogant as when we met just now.
"After all, your special card set is rare." I am more interested in Guiping’s new card than being depressed because of failure. "I haven’t seen this kind of digital card set before. Does it seem to be specially made?"
"Yes, this is my brother Topegsas. I specialize in making birthday presents!" Guiping wiped his nose with excitement. "Actually, today is my birthday. In addition to giving this card package to the game, I also want to invite you to my birthday party with the game night. My brother is very busy in the United States and can’t come back to celebrate my birthday. In this case, I want to invite you my friends to this birthday party less. By the way, I must call Tian He Jingxiang. Otherwise, it will be very cold without me and Pegsas!"
"Oh, so today is your birthday!" As soon as I heard that I was going to the banquet city, I immediately changed my face. "No problem, don’t worry, we will definitely go to join us!"
"City, you are really …" Seeing the appearance of the city, Shuangliuhe Guiping only had a wry smile.
"Have a party to attend? This kind of good thing can’t be without me! "
Just as the three of them were talking and laughing, a familiar voice suddenly came from one side to Guiping’s side and looked at the other side impressively. It was the middle-aged man who looked very much like a game in Haima Paradise, but his face looked like a game in his forties.
"You … you are …! ?”
"Oh, let me introduce you." Shuang Liu went to the man with a smile and reached out to lead him. "This is uncle Wu Teng Tianyuan, who has just returned from the Japanese exploration agency in Africa."
"The game … uncle? !” Guiping and Chengcheng both showed puzzled expressions. They never thought that there would be an uncle who has been in Africa in the game!
A list of DIY card tables

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Jul 8, 2024

"Roar …" Angry TaBaChen turned around again and his pike was no longer gorgeous marksmanship, but he attacked behind him to the best of his ability. But it was easier for him to avoid "Paz … 4167" when TaBaChen turned behind him, it was another painful yoga that escaped his attack again.

For these attacks on Yoga Na and Tuoba Chen, Mu Feng was one leng one leng in the distance. When Yoga Na hid behind Tuoba Chen, Mu Feng could not see it. When Tuoba Chen turned around, Mu Feng saw a black shadow flash from one side and then Yoga Na’s figure appeared behind Tuoba Chen.
When Tuoba Chen attacked Yoga again, Mu Feng saw it clearly. When Tuoba Chen moved, Yoga’s body flashed a black light, and then Yoga disappeared. In a moment, Mu Feng heard Yoga talking behind Tuoba Chen. It’s really extremely fast. How can Yoga have such a fast speed? It’s much faster than when the demon possessed the ghost brake.
"Hissing ….." Mu Feng was thinking about it, and then she felt that a pair of blue eyes appeared in front of her eyes. At this time, they turned into golden colors. "What did Mu Fengfa stay for half an hour? It was still very tight. Besides, Tuoba Chen hasn’t made any skills to do more damage now, otherwise it would be troublesome for me. This shadow trick skill can last for two minutes." Yoga Na said to Mu Feng Shen, and after a flicker, Yoga Na appeared in Tuoba Chen’s body and attacked Tuoba Chen.
"Know to kill …" Mu Feng listened to Yoga’s words, and it was also the thunder sword that rushed to Mu Feng. Before considering whether to release the thunder strike skill.
"Mu Feng, I know that your skill of Lei Di’s coming to the world is to echo the skill of blood attack to make this skill make you listen to my command when it’s good. I say you can do it again when it’s good." Jana Mu Feng is sympathetic. Jana felt that Mu Feng was the ultimate skill to make Lei Di come to the world before, and quickly communicated to Mu Feng psychologically, hoping that he would not make it a good opportunity for Mu Feng to make this continuous skill.
"Oh …" Mu Feng is a little depressed. At ordinary times, he commands others by himself. Now he wants to listen to Yoga’s command in front of Yoga, but depressed Mu Feng still agrees with Yoga’s opinion.
"Roar …" Being attacked by Mu Feng and Yoga, Tuoba Chen finally couldn’t stand the roar. He clenched the pike with both hands and then plunged the pike to the surface. The whole person suddenly gave off golden light in a second. Mu Feng Yoga, and the bloody wing magic tiger couldn’t help but retreat, so Tuoba Chen was actually in an enemy state.
"Four generals listen to my command to resurrect! Spirit of war calls! "
"Blare ….." After Tuoba Chen finished reading, four cyan apertures with a width of more than two meters suddenly appeared on the ground, and the scene of ghosts blare from the apertures suddenly became very strange.
"* * * * This guy won’t be summoning four dead generals, will he?" Mu Feng listening to TaBaChen skill command can’t help but feel cold sweat behind him. If you let him summon the four generals, you can’t make a hair out of yourself and the rain glass. Don’t say it for half an hour. Even it is difficult to estimate ten people an hour.
"Hum, it turned out to be this skill. I’ve seen him in Mu Feng before, and the rain glass. Listen, this skill is not as beautiful as it looks …" Among them, Ling Sha couldn’t help but hum when he saw Tuoba Chen make such a skill, and then said to Mu Feng and the rain glass on the team channel.
"… he summoned four generals, each of whom will carve up 2% of his life, so he will lose% of his experience. If we kill four generals, we are killing him, but one thing is that these four generals have everything after finishing their skills. We want to make a quick decision. Tuoba Chen will be in an enemy state at this time, but he can’t attack us either. He can’t move until four generals are dead."
Speaking, Ling Sha also flew in with rain glass. "Rain glass, now you don’t worry about TaBaChen attacking us. There are five people, Jana and I and Mu Feng, each attacking one, and you and the blood-winged magic tiger attacking one. We must solve the battle quickly." Ling Sha quickly said, "If we kill the four generals in two minutes, 2% of their lives will be returned to TaBaChen."
"Blare ….." When Ling Sha said that Tuoba Chen spirit of war summoned skills, the four apertures over there had already floated slowly, and the four generals’ eyes were closed, and their faces were also blue and green, giving people a terrible feeling.
In the distance, people saw that Tuoba Chen had summoned the four generals, and they couldn’t help sighing. Mu Feng and Yu Li were finished. It was impossible for them to kill the four generals with two manpower, sighing and destroying the king, the romantic swordsman, the purple maple and others, who were already preparing to join the battle.
"Ling Sha, it seems how serious you say it is. Since you dare to ask Mu Feng and Yuli to fight, I am fully confident that Ling Sha, what level are you now?" For Ling Sha nervous yoga, but appear more relaxed light to lingsha said.
"Me? I’m level 4 now. "Ling Sha told Jana that when she heard Ling Sha’s words, Yuli couldn’t help being level 4 in Ling Sha. At the same time, Yuli also remembered a thing. Because the attribute of Ling Sha never showed Yuli, she never went to see Ling Sha’s grade and attribute. Now she suddenly heard that Yuli, the grade of Ling Sha, was surprised that Ling Sha’s grade had risen so fast. I’m almost at the same level as myself
"Ha ha Ling Sha, I’m still worried about killing Tuoba Chen, but now he has used spirit of war’s call to summon the four generals, but I’m relaxed … I left Mu Feng." Yoga said with a mysterious smile and then floated in the direction of the four generals with the wind blowing.
"Can’t you? Don’t … "Ling Sha listen to yoga, words is also a surprised expression.
"What’s the matter? Ling Sha, have you guessed how many levels Jana is now? " Yuli asked Lingsha about Jana strangely. It’s strange that TaBaChen summoned four generals, but he was happy. What happened?
"Your horse will know." Ling Sha looked at the rain glass and replied to it. Then his wings flicked and flew forward.
"Hum …" After a few seconds, the four generals finally revealed the aperture. After finishing the cyan aperture, the eyes of the four generals suddenly opened and felt the truth again. In * *, the four generals all revealed a faint smile and resurrected Tuoba Chen, who once again called spirit of war to resurrect himself and others.
"Kill them!"
"It’s a general!" At the same time, the four generals responded with their own weapons and rushed to Mu Feng and Yuli.
"Among them, the highest attack power is the spear cavalry general Lei Di, who saved it to deal with Tuoba Chen’s blood attack. The number is just right." Yoga, looking at the four generals, said silently to Mu Feng.
"Ah, it seems that you know my skills quite well." Mu Feng chuckled and said to a pair of Kanas. "You or me first?"
"Of course, it’s me …" Yoga Na Da answered Mu Feng and Bi Jia Na rushed at the four generals with great speed.
"Hum little bastard, you want to die!" Rushed in front of the spear cavalry generals looked at blunt come over yoga, roared at the same time to "spear to kill …" As the spear cavalry generals skills command hands spear suddenly circled the golden energy to see the sample is very powerful.
"Cut …" Yoga, in the face of the spear cavalry generals, the spear to kill the momentum is still not reduced by a word "cut". The spear cavalry generals feel that it is a second when Yoga rings in their ears, and they have already missed it from their side and escaped their attacks without any effort.
Haven’t react from a state of consternation spear cavalry generals feel head-on flying a black ball of light "sloped … 3 ball of light instantly into his body thirty thousand red damage suddenly floated from his head.
"Paz …" After the black ball of light sank into the body, the general of the lancer cavalry immediately felt a sharp pain behind him and turned to look at a guy with a blue sword and constantly braved the thunder sword. "I will kill you …"
In the roar, the lancer general raised his hand to attack Mu Feng, but it was at this time that he felt a sharp pain behind him, and then people even took Ma Fei out. The lancer general flew out behind him and suddenly showed his wings and danced Ling Sha gently.
"Alas, poor child …" Ling Sha gently said that the sacred light beam Lingsha had just made her specialty skills "Huh …" At this time, a black light beam flew from the spear cavalry general to Mu Feng and disappeared into Mu Feng’s body.
"Hissing ….." Suddenly, a violent noise came from one side. Mu Feng couldn’t help but turn to look at the situation behind him. Mu Feng couldn’t help but stay behind him for ten meters. At this time, the black phantom of the opera was filled with thick black shadow yuan flowing around and dancing in the middle.
And the center of the appearance of the dark element is that the black hair of Jana’s body is slowly extended, and the original handsome little wolf has become a long-haired wolf at this moment. Jana’s body is covered by the shadow yuan flow, but this is not the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing is that Jana’s tail has become three!
In the face of this, the three generals, namely, the generals of the Gana archers, the generals of the axe soldiers and the generals of the shield soldiers, also know that they are armed with weapons and are wary of attacking easily.
Chapter 693 Blood attack four kills
"Damn it, Jana, are you level 5?" TaBaChen sound from the opposite side to hear TaBaChen question Mu Feng, rain glass heart hitched at the same time what yoga, level 5? How is that possible?
Thinking of Mu Feng, I looked at my pet column and saw that the pet level in Kana clearly stated the number "level 5". Oh, my God, Kana’s level is now level 5? And his level is only 44.
"Hum, it seems that you still know my shadow incarnation. Since you know it, I think you should know that I am awesome and you are waiting for death!" Yoga Neville stared at TaBaChen mercilessly with golden eyes, saying that the shadow yuan flow around her body was even more dazzling at the same time.
"Mu Feng, are you confused? There is nothing to doubt about this. The experience required for pet upgrade is less than that of your players, and the experience required for our epic beast upgrade will be even less. Also, haven’t you been aware that I have been absorbing your experience? Don’t say you don’t know. "Jana turned to Mu Feng, who was puzzled.
"…" Mu Feng "Stop it!" Yoga, energy savings finally finished, said yoga, should be rushed out, the body is releasing the explosive shadow breath.
"Throwing caution to the wind to kill ….." Go to yell and take the lead in rushing up with the axe soldiers generals to kill the other two generals.
"Ah, it’s like you …" Yoga, with a light smile, suddenly accelerated and suddenly turned into a body set with Phnom Penh shadows and rushed at the three generals. At this time, Ling Sha’s flying spear cavalry generals were also coming here to kill "Shadow …" Yoga’s voice was blurred from the light and shadow.
"Pa squeak … 5975!" At this time, Yoga Na has gone beyond the scope of Mu Feng’s cognition. Seeing that Yoga Na’s body seems to have disappeared at this moment, there is a shadow that can move at high speed. Yoga Na actually went straight through the body of the axe soldier general who rushed in front. After passing through the body of the axe soldier general, Yoga Na Ma rushed back to the archer general with light speed. It was only a blink of an eye that Yoga Na instantly passed through the body of the three generals.
"Kaka pa ….." Mu Feng felt a flash of yoga, incarnation of black light and shadow, not far behind the general in the distance, and then folded back, aiming at the spear cavalry general who came from behind.
"Paz …" After crossing the spear, the cavalry general Yoga Na appeared in front of the surprised Mu Feng in less than a second, releasing a black shadow.
At this time, the four generals all entered the state of being bound by shadow energy without making a sound after the movement of Yoga.
"It’s your turn. Now each of them is paralyzed for three seconds, starting with the spear cavalry generals …" Yoga’s voice blurred.
"Good-looking" Mu Feng also woke up from the consternation at this moment. In a fierce handshake, Lei Di Jian rushed to the lancer general and read "Star busy …" As Mu Feng ordered another Mu Feng horse to appear beside Mu Feng, he also rushed to the lancer general with a blue Lei Di sword in his hand.
"Wow …" See Mu Feng use the busy in the distance and they can’t help but exclaim that Mu Feng is going to release blood and attack the strongest combo in Mu Feng …
"Hoo … power contract!" At the same time, Mu Feng’s Lei Di sword is also dyed purple. Before releasing the big move, Mu Feng will release the contract to convert all its magical attacks into physical attacks.
"The ultimate blood attack …" Mu Feng shouted softly, and the blood attack was different. The ultimate blood attack was upgraded. At the same time, he raised his knife and fell "Psst … 567!" Mu Feng’s attack power hit a new high after being heavily chopped in the body of the lancer cavalry general, and at the same time, the crowd outside floated with the damage and gave another exclamation.
"Paz … 6775" Mu Feng’s two places at once cut a blood attack in Mu Feng and then cut a spear cavalry general with a cold expression.
"Ha brothers, I’ll leave it to you …" After returning to the knife, Mu Feng laughed and said to himself in two places at once. At the same time, Lei Di’s sword rushed at the archer generals, and at the same time, there were flashes of yoga. At the same time, Ling Sha and Yu Li also joined forces to attack the shield and armored generals, and a piece of red damage floated in succession.
"Hum …" Running Mu Feng gently let out a buzz, which is the second layer of Mu Feng’s ultimate blood attack on the Lord of the Rings skill. After the upgrade, Mu Feng can release two blood attacks at the same time!
"Shout …" At the same time, Mu Feng and Mu Feng’s two places at once were dyed red and purple. At this time, the four generals also recovered their ability to act. "Ah, go to hell, the ultimate blood attack …" Mu Feng and the two places at once shouted.

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