Dec 20, 2024




1. 防治失眠:黄花仔被誉为“忘忧草”,具有镇静神经和预防失眠的作用。对于长期失眠者来说,黄花仔是一种不可多得的中草药。

2. 辅助降低血压:黄花仔能降低血清胆固醇含量,起到降低血压的作用。高血压患者可以适量食用黄花仔,以辅助治疗高血压。

3. 改善脑功能:黄花仔富含卵磷脂,对脑功能的正常运作至关重要。卵磷脂可以提高注意力,增强大脑功能,防止脑动脉堵塞。

4. 治疗坐马痈:将鲜吸血草叶与活蜗牛带壳共捣烂敷患处,可治疗坐马痈。每日换药一至两次,效果显著。



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Nov 16, 2024



1. **护肝排肝毒**:养肝片中的有效成分,如五味子、麦芽粉等,可以起到很好的护肝、排肝毒的作用,有助于清除肝脏内的毒素。

2. **抗氧化、解毒**:养肝片中的成分具有抗氧化、解毒的作用,可以保护肝脏免受自由基的损害,减轻肝脏的负担。

3. **降低转氨酶**:对于患有慢性肝炎、早期肝硬化等疾病的患者,养肝片能够有效降低转氨酶,改善肝功能。


4. **疏肝理气、健脾消食**:养肝片具有疏肝理气、健脾消食的功效,有助于缓解因肝气郁结、脾胃虚弱引起的各种不适。

5. **促进肝脏解毒排毒**:养肝片可以促进肝脏的解毒排毒功能,有助于改善肝脏的代谢能力。

6. **修复受损肝细胞**:对于化学、药物造成的肝损害,养肝片具有一定的修复作用,可以增强肝细胞的抵抗力。

7. **预防肝损伤**:养肝片对于预防酒精肝、脂肪肝等肝损伤具有一定的效果,有助于保护肝脏。

8. **增强免疫力**:养肝片中的成分可以增强人体免疫力,有助于抵抗病毒和细菌的侵袭。


– 孕妇、哺乳期妇女应避免使用养肝片,以免对胎儿或婴儿产生不良影响。
– 对于肝功能正常的人群,不建议长期服用养肝片作为日常保肝手段。


– 服药期间应避免饮酒、吸烟,以及食用辛辣刺激性食物,以免加重肝脏负担。


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Nov 9, 2024


1. **清热解毒**:绿豆性凉,具有清热解毒的功效,可以缓解体内热毒,适合夏季饮用。

2. **消暑止渴**:绿豆海带汤能够帮助消暑解渴,对于夏季高温天气预防中暑有很好的效果。


3. **降血压**:海带和绿豆都具有降血压的作用,可以减少高血压患者的血压水平。

4. **降血脂**:海带中的硫酸多糖可以促进胆固醇的排出,有助于降低血脂。

5. **抗氧化**:海带和绿豆中都含有丰富的抗氧化成分,有助于抵抗自由基,预防衰老。

6. **保护肝脏**:海带中的碘和其他矿物质有助于保护肝脏,预防肝脏疾病。

7. **利尿消肿**:海带中的甘露醇具有利尿作用,可以缓解水肿。

8. **保护甲状腺**:海带富含碘,是合成甲状腺激素的重要元素,有助于维持甲状腺健康。

9. **提高肾功能**:海带和绿豆都有助于提高肾功能,改善肾脏健康。

10. **改善消化**:海带中的膳食纤维有助于改善消化,预防便秘。

11. **增强免疫力**:绿豆和海带中的多种维生素和矿物质有助于增强免疫系统。

12. **改善皮肤健康**:海带中的β-胡萝卜素和维生素C等成分有助于改善皮肤健康。

13. **提升口感和营养价值**:加入莲子、百合、南瓜、枸杞、薏米、银耳、红薯等食材,不仅可以增加绿豆汤的营养价值,还能提升其口感。


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Nov 6, 2024


### 七叶皂苷钠

1. **药理作用**:
– **消炎抗渗出**:七叶皂苷钠能促使机体提高ACTH和可的松血浆浓度,促进血管壁增加PGF2的分泌,清除机体内自由基,从而起到抗炎、抗渗出作用。
– **增加静脉张力**:提高静脉张力,加快静脉血流,促进淋巴回流,改善血液循环和微循环。
– **保护血管壁**:对血管壁有保护作用,减少血管壁的损伤。
– **纠正脑功能失常**:对一氧化碳等引起脑水肿具有明显的保护作用。


2. **临床应用**:
– 治疗脑水肿、创伤或手术所致肿胀。


– 用于静脉回流障碍性疾病。

3. **毒理研究**:
– 在日剂量每公斤体重0.5mg以下未发现溶血现象。
– 急性毒性研究中,动物发生急性中毒时主要表现为实质性器官的溶血性缺氧坏死。
– 慢性毒性研究中,家兔连续给予相当于LD50的1/5剂量30天,未发生动物死亡,实质器官也未发生任何病理性变化。
– 致畸试验显示无致畸作用,但孕妇头3个月羊水中药物含量较高,建议孕妇禁用。

### 七叶绞股蓝


1. **基本概述**:
– 七叶绞股蓝是绞股蓝中的一种,因其每个叶柄生七个叶片而得名。
– 葫芦科属,多年生宿根藤本植物,广泛分布于亚热带和北亚热带地区。
– 性寒、味甘,有益气、安神、降脂、降血压功效。

2. **应用**:
– 民间称之为南方第二野山参。
– 有企业将其加工成七叶绞股蓝茶。


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Oct 28, 2024


1. **增添气质与美观**:红玉的鲜艳色彩能够从视觉上提升佩戴者的气质,给人一种愉悦、放松的感觉。它的亮丽和迷人,可以让人在穿着搭配上显得更加时尚。

2. **滋养身体**:长期佩戴红玉,尤其是经过人体和玉石的相互打磨,玉石中的矿物元素会逐渐被人体吸收,从而起到保健作用。古代医学典籍如《本草纲目》中就有关于玉石保健作用的记载。


3. **精神保健**:红玉的佩戴有助于提神醒脑,古代皇帝喜欢用玉做枕头,相信其对大脑的保健作用。现代科学研究也表明,某些玉石中含有的微量元素对人体有益。

4. **调整荷尔蒙**:红玉髓,作为玛瑙系列中的一种,因其独特的颜色和质地,被认为有助于调整女性荷尔蒙,对妇女病、更年期荷尔蒙失调的女性有一定的疗效。

5. **强身健体**:红玉被认为是具有强身健体功效的宝石,可以消除忧郁情绪,带来心灵上的宁静,对身心健康都有积极影响。

6. **吉祥辟邪**:在中国传统文化中,红色代表吉祥、喜乐、热情,因此红玉也被视为吉祥之物,有助于辟邪保平安。

7. **改善人际关系**:佩戴红玉被认为可以增进人际关系的和谐,有助于社交。


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Oct 26, 2024


1. **增强免疫力**:灵芝破壁孢子中含有丰富的生物活性成分,如灵芝多糖、三萜类化合物和微量元素硒等,这些成分能够有效调节和增强人体的免疫系统功能,提高身体抵抗力,增加白细胞活性,促进抗体生成,从而帮助抵御疾病。

2. **抗肿瘤作用**:灵芝破壁孢子中的多糖类化合物能够抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散,促进肿瘤细胞的凋亡,增强放疗和化疗的效果,减轻患者的不良反应,是肿瘤辅助治疗的良好选择。


3. **抗衰老**:灵芝破壁孢子含有抗氧化物质,能够中和自由基,减少皮肤老化的迹象,同时含有甘露醇、氨基酸和胱氨酸等成分,有助于促进胶原蛋白的生成,从而延缓衰老。

4. **调节血脂血糖**:灵芝破壁孢子中的三萜化合物具有调节血脂和血糖的功效,有助于预防心血管疾病和糖尿病等慢性病。


5. **改善睡眠**:灵芝破壁孢子中的成分有助于减轻焦虑和抑郁,从而改善睡眠质量。


6. **抗氧化**:在现代社会,我们常常受到大气污染、紫外线辐射等有害因素的侵害,灵芝破壁孢子可以有效清除这些有害物质,减缓细胞老化的过程。

7. **辅助调节血糖和血压**:临床试验表明,灵芝破壁孢子对高血糖和高血压患者有一定的辅助作用,有助于减少血糖波动和血压、心血管疾病的风险。

8. **其他功效**:灵芝破壁孢子还具有抗疲劳、抗辐射、保护肝脏、提高性功能等作用。



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Oct 19, 2024


1. **舒筋活络**:白虎膏的主要成分能够渗透到皮肤中,起到舒筋活络的作用。这对于缓解肌肉疼痛、关节僵硬等不适症状有显著效果,尤其适用于颈椎、腰腿疼痛的治疗。

2. **止痛**:白虎膏含有能够缓解疼痛的成分,对于跌打损伤、风湿疼痛、关节炎痛等引起的疼痛有较好的缓解作用。

3. **消肿除淤**:该药物有助于消肿和消除淤血,对于扭伤、挫伤等造成的局部肿胀有很好的治疗效果。


4. **驱蚊止痒**:白虎膏中的成分能够驱赶蚊虫,对于蚊虫叮咬引起的瘙痒有即时的止痒效果。

5. **提神醒脑**:白虎膏可以涂抹在太阳穴或肚脐等部位,通过按摩帮助提神醒脑,适用于舟车劳顿、熬夜上网后头脑昏沉的情况。

6. **开窍醒神**:其开窍醒神的功效有助于提高工作效率,振奋精神。

7. **止痒消斑**:对于一些皮肤不适,如瘙痒和斑点,白虎膏也有一定的缓解作用。

8. **适应症广泛**:白虎膏适用于多种症状,包括风湿疼痛、腰酸背痛、坐骨神经痛、关节炎痛、跌打劳伤、抽筋扭伤、头痛肚痛等。

9. **历史悠久**:白虎膏起源于越南民间,经过多年的实践和改良,积累了丰富的使用经验。


– 在使用前,用温水洗净患处。
– 将适量白虎膏均匀涂抹在患处。


– 轻轻按摩或拿捏数分钟,直到皮肤吸收。
– 如有需要,可重复涂抹。


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Jul 11, 2024

"The first battle, the blood wolf versus the residual blood."

Two people on the stage make many players feel more relaxed than this. There is no suspense in this fight. Before the game, players were very angry about the old ghost giving up the war. This is simply polluting their eyes, but obviously there are players with the word "blood" in both names. This will be a bloody battle.
"Residual blood heard that you are a mercenary in reality. It’s awesome!"
The sound of blood wolf is very high, and some players laugh with his voice and make a noise, which makes punk, beauty and Feng Xin in the ring clench their fists. If they are not in an online game, they will beat the players into meat.
Looking at him calmly without emotions is like watching a passer-by. The blood wolf also noticed the blood-stained face at this time. This indifferent expression aroused his anger.
"What’s so great about being a soldier? Let you dare to do it!"
The roar of the blood wolf made the soul-eater in the ring frown. Obviously, the blood wolf and he faced two different directions when they went through hardships. If the soul-eater honed his mind to a very smooth and indifferent attitude, then the blood wolf was sharpened by thorns.
This kind of corner will hurt all enemies who are close to him, but it will also make everyone who wants to get close to others shrink back. In online games, there can be no absolute natural enemies. If you can’t unify all the fighting forces and make great efforts, it will be as good as the small whirlwind.
"Blood Wolf, please respect your opponent!"
The soul-eating sound covered up the laughter of the players. Many people were embarrassed, and the blood wolf’s face flashed with hatred at this time, and at the same time he also made a move.
The force value and intelligence value of the blood wolf in the realm of the Imperial Heaven Law both exceeded 45, which is the result of his painting the deputy abode of fairies and immortals day and night for 15 days after he entered the Imperial Heaven Law, and the workshop he owns has absolute distribution, so he is more powerful than soul-eater in terms of attributes.
It was the first time that the blood volume of the residual blood decreased wildly, and he felt a very special effect from the attack of the blood wolf. This is a control effect similar to flashy skills that does not belong to the magical body. Because of the bully effect, the residual blood was repelled by this blow.
This attack made the onlookers, such as Ye Zhang and Teddy boy, show consternation expression. The bully regarded everything as a powerful magic power that was repelled and flew, but before the blood wolf reached the Emperor Dragon, it was a method to destroy the bully by changing the skill rules. That is to say, the blood wolf should cultivate a magic power that can break the bully effect, and this magic power is equally effective for Zhang Ye’s swordsmanship effect.
The remnant blood didn’t last long. Although he had worked very hard, the gap between strength and attributes made him feel very resistant. There were more than three people practicing magical powers, and according to his strength, all of them should have special effects.
When the residual blood volume is reduced to 4%, the blood wolf is still full of blood. The huge difference in force value makes it difficult for the residual blood to play a quarter of the damage value, which even the blood wolf defense can’t break.
Just as the blood wolf was about to launch another magic trick to get rid of the residual blood, his face ate his soul.
"Blood Wolf is enough!"
The first time he was called to stop by a soul-eater, it made the blood wolf very unhappy. What did he try to do in tears? Today, he can beat his opponent by the previous method and step on his feet!
"What makes you order me to be bloody? Don’t blame me. Blame the whirlwind!"
The blood wolf didn’t listen to the soul-eating words. He made up the last move. It was a shock wave like a wound, but he made this qigong attack not a sword. When he hit the residual blood, he immediately formed a halo at the residual blood foot, and then the halo exploded and the residual blood instantly solidified on the spot as if it were frozen. Even if the blood wolf was so mad, it would be difficult to fill his heart and anger.
After the first world war, it can be said that the last attack of the blood wolf has stirred up the anger of both sides in the competition. Looking at the ring being frozen into ice sculptures, Teddy boy has been unable to restrain his anger at this time. He is going to rely on the capable blood wolf, but he is held by Ye Zhang.
"Brother Fei gave it to me and I will make him pay the price!"
Chapter seven hundred and thirty-five Temporary alliance
The detonation atmosphere gradually warmed up, and the player’s emotions finally broke out when the residual blood disappeared from the ring.
For a long time, I have been angry with the whole whirlwind interest group. Several players seem to have a sense of victory at this moment, and feel that the "whipping corpse" practice of blood wolf is really popular.
What kind of method can avenge their shame? It is cruel abuse of your opponent’s feelings. When your opponent saw the blood wolf frozen into an ice sculpture, this group of players thought it was worth it.
On the other hand, when the players with lofty friendship who ended the bloody battle in Honggao saw their leader being treated like this by their opponents, their hearts were bleeding, but they could do nothing to watch this cruel scene happen. At this time, it seems that they are closely United again because of the cruelty of the bloody wolf and the shameful death of the bloody wolf.
Different moods and values have created two different teams, which are also United as one enemy and belong to their common interests. At this moment, the war has been started again.
The competition is just now, but the chaos is out of control again. Teddy boy and others can bear it, but it doesn’t mean that others can bear it. I don’t know which player attacked, and then there was a scuffle between more than tens of thousands of players around the competition.
When Ye Zhang saw this scene, he hesitated for a moment. At this moment, Teddy boy walked beside him and whispered
"Don’t stop"
Ye Zhang was stupefied, but then came to nothing. It doesn’t matter when this war will start at any time. What matters is that if this melee can unite the rest of the famous Shenfeng Legion players, it is more important than anything else.
There is no one to stop the chaos from happening, and gradually the world-famous gods are already overwhelmed. There is really no way for them to compare with the blood wolves. Although the soul-eating wolf has never made a move from beginning to end, the blood wolf alone will do him too much harm if no one stops him.
It is the rule of weeping that gives him absolute strength. It is not impossible to say that an absolute king is born when all skills are released in a probabilistic way.
The blood wolf doesn’t know how many people he has killed. This high-spirited feeling makes him very comfortable. He has never been so happy as he is today, and every time he kills a legion player, he can feel that the supporters around him have increased their support for him.
At this time, the soul-eating look on coldly. This dramatic scene is also watched by many people beside him. At this time, a person appeared in front of the soul-eating, and this person with a cool face made the soul-eating one leng.
"Soul-eating, do you really want this kind of person?"
Life is buzzing in the melee. Not many people pay attention to the confrontation between Ye Zhang and the soul-eater. At this time, Ye Zhang’s words made the soul-eater feel a swing and then he frowned.
"You and I are both winners of this stage. If the blood wolf continues to make so much noise, I estimate that it should not be far from the fourth door of glitz. Is this what you want?"
Ye Zhang unexpectedly chose to turn against soul-eating at this time. When Teddy boy, Ang Yan and others looked on coldly, they were all shocked when they heard Ye Zhang’s words.
Ye Zhang, are you crazy?
The soul-eating frowned and gradually stretched out. He was able to go to today. No one knows himself better than him about this experience. It is said that the whirlwind stopped him from moving forward, rather than the whirlwind created various difficulties for him to get to today.
However, what puzzles the soul-eater is that the great whirlwind has the opportunity to be driven to extinction. In the past, Enzan Ijuin was in the midst of the national war, but the other side wanted to set the tiger free. Is her head crazy?
But at this moment, the soul-eating is finally white, and it is even whiter. What is the absurd and inconsistent logic of saying that a big whirlwind is flashy and flashy is a big whirlwind?

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Jul 11, 2024

The Nets and Clippers are different. Vallejo is much better than Jordan Junior at this stage. Moreover, the Nets actually play as a double center, and their ability to fight against national hatred has reached the center level. It is difficult for James to get cheap defense against these two lines in the basket.

James hit two shots in the third quarter, but Nash hit another three-pointer in response. This is the fifth three-pointer that the Canadian hit in the game. He has already scored two points.
Half-time Nets players shoot more decisively. Two 7-foot-long men rush to the basket for rebounds every attack. Spoelstra seems to understand the Nets’ intention. Are they going to make a fuss about rebounds?
The idea of Filipinos is to throw Matthews off the basketball at Haslem’s head and point to the outside line again.
Nash watched the basketball fly, and even bullied Chalmers’ height. The main position prevented the opponent from jumping and reached for the height advantage to catch the basketball.
Nets fans laughed when they saw it. Now they find that their team’s five positions are actually higher than the Heat. They have an overwhelming advantage in height!
Chapter seven hundred and thirty-four The eternal problem
The Heat suffered a big loss in rebounding in the third quarter. The height advantage of the Nets made teammates throw their basketball off the court one after another and fought for the Heat players in the second place. Paul George, Matthews and Nash were all better than themselves.
But this is not the problem. The height disadvantage of James and Wade is not obvious, and they are stronger. It is not inferior to compete at the second landing point. The problem is that the attacking team is farther away from the nets and the basketball is closer to them.
On what level of basketball game rebounds, if you can’t keep the game, you can’t play the heat. Once you are hit by a soft spot.
In the third quarter, 2 minutes and 5 seconds after Wade steals, James launches a fast break. When the basket is approaching, the little emperor turns around and passes Matthews for a one-handed dunk to end the attack.
Matthews was knocked to the ground, and James dunked in the background, but the Nets still led 66.
James’s dunk is the tenth in the Heat’s section, which is almost over, and the Heat’s score has just exceeded single digits.
The loss of rebound at half-time directly led to the low morale of Heat players, including the Big Three, which became more and more lifeless in this team against the background of home fans.
Spoelstra is now the most active one in the Heat. The Philippine coach jumped up and down on the sidelines and waved and shouted at the players in an attempt to arouse their fighting spirit.
It’s not easy for this puppet coach. Players don’t respect him, employees look down on him, and fans throw all the pots at him and replace them with ordinary people. This pressure has already crushed people. How can he be so active now and still have the energy to jump on the sidelines and command the team in an attempt to defeat?
In the third quarter, Ji Guoqiu’s offensive end felt slowly coming back. Facing Bosh’s defense, he first turned around and pretended to break through the basket. Bosh quickly moved horizontally to block Ji Guoqiu, but then he pulled out a jump and drifted to shoot the ball. He stretched himself out in the crowd of the heat basket and threw the basketball in a beautiful posture and threw it into the net with one heart!
Bosh couldn’t finish the ball just by raising his hand. Ji Guoqiu had already shot, and he could watch the basketball fall into the basket.
"Cool!" Ji Guoqiu scored this goal and immediately knew that he felt back.
He also knows that the ball will definitely enter the top ten ball. It is rare for a line with a height of 7 feet to make such a move, and it is even more rare for him to complete it with such elegance. It requires strong explosive power, waist and abdomen strength and flexibility.
Bosh can’t move like this. His explosive power and flexibility may be enough, but his waist and abdomen strength and skills are not enough to support him to complete such a shot. This is the difference between a real giant and a fake giant.
Ji Guoqiu scored the performance from the last two minutes of the third quarter. The giant panda first scored a top ten goal, which made Bosh as the background board, and then staggered and challenged James in the center of the circle top. After the change of direction, Lee skipped past James in the waist and threw a long arm to hit the board, and then scored a goal, which made the real giant as the background board.
Continental Airlines Center is boiling again. Nets fans cheer higher and higher. What could be happier than having such a superstar in their own team?
Maybe fans will be happier than they are now when they win the championship.
After the score of 76:66 in the third quarter, the basket entered the final quarter with great advantages, and they beat the Heat by 14 points in the third quarter.
Ji Guoqiu scored 6 points in the last two minutes of the festival and got 1 point, 6 rebounds and 2 assists in a single quarter. His personal data became 2 points, 1 rebound, 9 assists and 4 blocks. His outburst made the Miami people’s flame lower, and now it is almost extinguished by Brother Panda.
Jeff Van Gundy focused his attention on the Nets’ frontcourt rebound before the fourth quarter. "Brother Panda grabbed a frontcourt rebound today, and someone in the Heat grabbed a frontcourt rebound once, dating back to June 14th, 2006, when Haslem grabbed a frontcourt rebound in the finals between the Heat and the Mavericks."
Mark Jackson said, "Brother Panda’s previous rebounding record in the regular season is one playoff, and he has now tied his own record."
N was also in the live broadcast of the game. Charles Buckley saw the camera facing the big three sitting on the sidelines and suddenly asked, "Kenny, who do you think will win if the three of them fight after being eliminated?"
When Kenny Smith heard this, he said with all his heart that the game was not won yet. You’re going to be eliminated. I’m really afraid of going out and getting beaten!
However, he still answered the question. Kenny Smith laughed. "James is strong. Wade runs fast and Bosh is a little soft. I guess Wade ran and James beat Bosh."
It’s a bitch when two people finish laughing!
Just as several Heat fans pulled out their guns and prepared to kill two brain-dead anchors one day, the two teams came to the rotation again in the fourth quarter.
The Nets sent Bledsoe, Matthews, coval, Humphries and Wallace.
The Heat can change Mike Bibby, James Jones, Mac Miller, Howard and Big Z.
If Miami people don’t get shit during the rotation, this group of substitute players will give full play.
Bledsoe was crushed by the Zen master, and the whole passion was released at this deadly moment. Bibi did have too much experience in the face of blood distribution, but there was no more experience when the physical gap was too large
Big Z is the only Heat player who has an advantage in counterpoint in this set. Although he is 36 years old, big Z still does not lose to young people.
In the fourth quarter, 11 minutes and 2 seconds, big Z grabbed the rebound in the frontcourt and got the basket.
In the fourth quarter, 1 minute and 33 seconds, it was another big Z crowd who grabbed the frontcourt rebounds and made up the basket. His 4 points were life-saving for the Heat.
But the good times didn’t last long. Bradso’s two flash assaults made Big Z try to return to Matthews in an instant, and then he broke through the slow-moving Jones basket, making it two plus one and pouring a bucket of cold water on the heat.
In the fourth quarter, 9 minutes and 3 seconds, the Heat can change James before, and the score has reached 3:7. The Heat is 13 points behind the Nets.
In addition to changing James Wade, the Heat are back in the lineup, and Miami’s two outside giants are ready to make a final fight.
In the fourth quarter, at 7 minutes and 1 second, James’ breakthrough caused Ji Guoqiu’s fourth foul and two free throws. The Heat tied the score to 755.
The Nets didn’t give them a chance to further narrow the score. After continuous shooting, Kevor finally got three points, and the Nets once again widened the difference to 13 points.
Wade and James scored successively in the last 4 minutes and 4 seconds. When Wade missed the shot, James jumped up directly and made a dunk in the middle. At the same time, Vallejo made a foul for the fifth time and even got a penalty of 3 points.
The two real giants of the Heat are in the final struggle. Wei Deqiang hit Tony Allen for a foul and made two free throws. Then CIC succeeded in leading the Heat to play a wave of 7 and 694 in one fell swoop to narrow the difference to 10 points.
The Nets faced the fire, and the two giants were a little overwhelmed. Jackson was forced to call the pause button twice in a minute, and Ji Guoqiu came out again. He turned around and shot the basketball in Bosh and James’ double-team and made a foul for the little emperor.
After Ji Guoqiu scored, he roared and James was silent.
He should have been able to cover Ji Guoqiu just now, but the giant panda’s arm is too long, and finally it’s a little worse. If his arm span can be longer …
It’s the first time that James feels that his arm is short, because compared with Kobe Bryant and Griffin James, the arm span is not short, but it still seems a little short now!
Nash hit his seventh three-pointer in the fourth quarter at 2 minutes and 2 seconds and scored his second point.
Lao na’s performance today is equally remarkable. He hit several key goals and today’s performance is definitely called "giant"
The Nets scored this three-pointer and completely defeated the Heat’s pursuit of points. The score came to 12:91, and the Nets once again widened the difference to double digits.
It was not until a minute later that the Heat hit a three-pointer by Wade and James hit a three-pointer on the outside, but the game was not enough for them to win again.
Ji Guoqiu hit Bosh again in the last 4 seconds of the game, causing a foul and getting two free throws.

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Jul 10, 2024

Break the opponent’s melee force output!

Ling Huchong’s simple command in the team is almost instantaneous, and everyone knows the strategic fact represented by it. Their hearts also know that this method is probably available at such a moment.
It’s not that far away that the other side’s remaining combat power is coming, and the distance is becoming more and more precarious. Although all they need to do here is to escape from each other’s close distance instead of defeating each other, it’s still not an easy task-the other side is so well prepared, isn’t it confident to control it?
In this situation of "struggling", "being struggling", "being close to the body" and "being close to the body", it is probably suspicious at first, which causes the action to be slow. Zuo Tangtang is free, and he is forced to target almost everyone in the Jianghu gang, but he has been missed in such a man-to-man plan.
Zuo Tangtang is still a little dull. Looking at the scattered people, it seems that her thinking has diverged. Even though she is actually seriously calculating the distance between them, how did they get so lucky when the Jianghu Gang broke through the situation here? No one aimed at her, but she didn’t pay attention. She completely regarded herself as a passerby in this battle deployment. Tourists have long forgotten that they are still in the Jianghu Gang team.
Learning to ponder over the wild fighting here as an extracurricular example will definitely make the senior sister Heifeng Village in menstruation Palace feel limited and "relieved"
The situation is getting tense.
The scattered people didn’t fly straight and continuously with flying skills as the Jianghu gang imagined, but trotted towards this side according to the unified road.
Zuo Tangtang knows very well what this is.
Light work value
This can be seen in both combat and life, but it must have a certain limit value. It is a place that needs attention. For example, when you are on the road, you can occasionally go through clouds and swallow classes to speed up, and it is like flying back quickly when you see yourself locking the charge in the opposite direction in battle. Lightness Skill plays a very important role in this.
And now …
Zuo Tangtang looked at his eyes. Although the moving speed was slow, he was still in an orderly way. There were some feelings in the team’s heart. This is the rhythm of saving lightness skill! Lightness Skill value is not irrecoverable, but it takes some time. It is a very slow and slow process to finish in the battle. It can be said bluntly that when the person who waits for Lightness Skill value meets a good opponent, he has already been killed by his opponent’s knife several times.
Now it’s quite true that people are scattered-they are perfectly ready to meet the battle as soon as they rush over!
Hey! Oh! Bang!
When the character raises his sword, he shouts parry and resists the opponent’s attack. When the two knives collide, they collide … all in Zuo Tangtang’s ear.
The team is clean and there is no one to direct it.
Everyone sees in the unprecedented busy attention that the problem is not that Zuo Tangtang is coming alone. If they don’t let themselves get away before they come, then they must be unwilling to fall to the ground.
Talk at this time? No, they will spend more time on their own and attacking, whether to play it or find it, when they all want to escape!
Zuo Tangtang’s face was tense and he looked at each other in situ. The group of people came to float on the keyboard. Some fingers twitched slightly unconsciously and looked back and cast a glance at his teammates who were still fighting, and then moved their eyes to the distance.
She didn’t say that taking the initiative to fight and trying to help her teammates get rid of one more can get rid of one. First, she has no ability to win back the opponent’s rhythm. Second, she is very conscious of her fighting experience. Even if she has the ability to save one teammate, can she and this teammate save the whole situation?
The answer is obvious.
They can’t do it when the other side is so perfect.
It’s a perfect fit
Well, they have always underestimated this point. The total conductor of the other party looks so ridiculous, but it is ridiculous, but it is himself who can’t see clearly.
Since she is lucky to be ignored by the other party at the moment, she should try to seize the opportunity to do something that can hinder this group, even though she can’t stop the other party from being surrounded twice.
For example, interrupting this, they have been ignoring the tacit cooperation to be continued.
[36. Three hundred and sixty-nine Planning pause]
In the corner of my eye, Yu Guangzhong, the Jianghu gang, played very well, just like an unexpected move-suddenly the big move was temporarily replaced by a backward move when the other party was fighting, or pretended not to be prepared to defraud the other party of a big move D, etc. However, the other party was also excellent, and it was only in this way that the fist of the Jianghu gang hit the soft cotton. Perhaps it was only when the real thing happened that both sides knew each other well.
The biggest difference from Jianghu gangs is that the most masculine gangs don’t have to care about how much damage the other side has caused them. Different attitudes between the two sides also determine which side has the advantage in this confrontation. At this time, Jianghu gangs are in a hurry to escape. Although they cheated the other side of a lot of tricks with great damage, they didn’t make effective moves, which is doubtful for the most masculine gangs, because what they do is not to encircle them like Jianghu gangs just did to them. They just have to stall Jianghu gangs at this time.
Jianghu people don’t know what the most manly plan is.
But that’s what makes me sick.
In the past, almost all the men in their encirclement were beaten to half their blood volume, and then this change happened. At this time, if they tried to kill them, they had a 10% chance to do it, but what happened after they did it? Was forced to kill by the scattered team with residual blood?
No, it’s obvious that this strategy is impossible
They know that they can kill the most men before the scattered team comes, so what they can do is to get rid of the most men before the scattered team comes, and then try to deal with the two teams in other ways, but it will be later.
They think it’s beautiful, but the other side clearly knows that they are going to be completely afraid of themselves, and that looks miserable and bloody and arrogant in front of them.
Jianghu people couldn’t help cursing in a low voice.
This group of shameless souls are only doing this when they are in love with each other at this time. Every time they fight, this group of short people never fight with them head-on, except for the sneak attack on trees and climbing walls. They are also a swing at ordinary times and are despised by them.
Still the most manly? !
Oh! Oh! Da!
More and more angry, more and more trying to escape, but being shamelessly stuck to the melee Jianghu gang, the people became more and more grumpy, and the exercises at hand made them have no leisure to go to the team channel to vomit, but fortunately, the mocking mode was started in their hearts, and the high and cold were ridiculed.
However, perhaps because of the humbling, I have been spitting in my heart while making a strong breakthrough in the close-quarters strategy. The level displayed by the Jianghu gang is getting sharper and sharper, which makes the most men on the spot stunned.
The Jianghu gang … ran away? !
Damn it, is this all right? !
The most manly man can’t help but stagnate slightly for two seconds. Looking at the powerful Jianghu gang in front of him, they can’t help shouting at ya. Are they strange? Are they weird?

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