Dec 20, 2024








More Details
Nov 14, 2024



### 苹果酸的益处:

1. **促进代谢**:苹果酸有助于代谢体内多余的热量,特别是在运动后,它可以加速脂肪的燃烧。

2. **预防肥胖**:由于苹果酸能促进热量代谢,因此有助于防止下半身肥胖。

3. **解决便秘**:苹果酸中的可溶性纤维果胶有助于改善肠道功能,缓解便秘。

4. **调节血糖**:苹果酸能帮助调节机体的血糖水平,预防血糖的骤升骤降,对于糖尿病患者来说具有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **排毒**:苹果酸能促进胃肠道中重金属(如铅、汞、锰)的排放,帮助排毒。


6. **抗氧化**:苹果酸具有抗氧化作用,可以清除体内的自由基,减缓皮肤衰老。

7. **促进消化**:苹果酸能够帮助消化,特别是在细嚼慢咽苹果时,可以促进口腔中细菌的分解。

### 苹果酸的应用:

1. **食品工业**:苹果酸常用于食品工业中作为酸味剂,增加食品的风味,同时也可以作为防腐剂。

2. **医药领域**:在医药领域,苹果酸可以用于治疗便秘、调节血糖等。

3. **美容护肤**:由于苹果酸具有抗氧化作用,因此被广泛应用于美容护肤产品中,如护肤品、面膜等。


4. **饮料制作**:在饮料制作中,苹果酸可以作为一种天然酸味剂,用于各种饮料中。

5. **保健品**:一些保健品中也会添加苹果酸成分,以提供其健康益处。


More Details
Nov 7, 2024


1. **清热润肺**:瓜蒌籽具有清热、润肺、化痰的作用,对于治疗肺燥咳嗽、痰多等症状有一定的疗效。

2. **宽胸散结**:瓜蒌籽有宽胸散结的功效,可以用于治疗胸闷、胸痛等症状。

3. **消肿散结**:对于体内有结块的疾病,如乳腺增生等,瓜蒌籽也有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **利尿消肿**:瓜蒌籽具有利尿作用,对于水肿、小便不利等症状有一定的缓解效果。

5. **调节血脂**:现代研究表明,瓜蒌籽具有一定的降血脂作用,对于高血脂症有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **抗菌消炎**:瓜蒌籽具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,对于一些感染性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。


7. **增强免疫力**:瓜蒌籽中还含有多种维生素和矿物质,有助于增强人体免疫力。

8. **抗氧化**:瓜蒌籽中含有的抗氧化成分,有助于抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。



– **个体差异**:不同体质的人对瓜蒌籽的反应可能不同,因此在使用前最好咨询医生。
– **过敏反应**:对于过敏体质的人来说,使用瓜蒌籽前应先进行过敏测试。
– **剂量控制**:瓜蒌籽的使用剂量应根据个人情况和医生建议来确定,过量使用可能会引起不良反应。



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Nov 2, 2024


### 营养价值:

1. **维生素C**:冰糖橙是维生素C的极佳来源,有助于增强免疫系统。
2. **维生素A**:有助于维持皮肤和眼睛健康。
3. **钾**:有助于维持心脏健康和肌肉功能。
4. **膳食纤维**:有助于消化系统的健康,预防便秘。
5. **钙**:有助于骨骼和牙齿的健康。
6. **镁**:有助于心脏、肌肉和神经系统的正常运作。
7. **铜**:有助于铁的吸收和利用。
8. **抗氧化剂**:如类黄酮和维生素C,有助于对抗自由基,减少氧化应激。



### 益处:


1. **增强免疫力**:丰富的维生素C有助于增强免疫系统,抵抗疾病。
2. **促进消化**:膳食纤维有助于消化系统的健康,预防便秘。
3. **维护心血管健康**:钾有助于维持心脏健康,减少高血压的风险。
4. **保护眼睛健康**:维生素A有助于维持眼睛健康,预防夜盲症。
5. **促进皮肤健康**:维生素C有助于皮肤胶原蛋白的生成,保持皮肤弹性。
6. **抗氧化**:丰富的抗氧化剂有助于对抗自由基,减少氧化应激,降低慢性疾病的风险。
7. **减轻压力**:橙子中的某些成分可能有助于减轻压力。


More Details
Oct 29, 2024


1. **滋补身体**:黄酒鸡以鸡肉和黄酒为主要原料,鸡肉富含优质蛋白质、氨基酸和维生素,黄酒则能活血行气,两者结合能够补益气血,增强体质,适合体虚、食欲不振、营养不良等人群食用。


2. **保护心脏**:黄酒中的黄酮类化合物对心血管系统有保护作用,可以增强心肌的抗氧化能力,提高心脏功能,对维持心脏健康有益。

3. **美容养颜**:黄酒鸡中的有机酸、氨基酸和糖类成分能滋养皮肤,增强皮肤抗氧化能力,促进皮肤细胞再生,对美容养颜有积极作用。


4. **增强体质**:黄酒鸡具有温补作用,有助于增强免疫力,适合体质虚弱、大病初愈的人群食用,有助于体质恢复和增强抗病能力。

5. **消食化积**:鸡肉有助于刺激消化功能,黄酒则能促进食物的消化吸收,对于消化不良、胃寒腹泻等人群有改善作用。

6. **祛寒止痛**:黄酒具有温中散寒的功效,能够祛寒止痛,对于关节疼痛、寒性腹痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。

7. **促进新陈代谢**:黄酒中的有效成分能促进人体新陈代谢,有助于身体健康。


8. **杀菌抑菌**:黄酒具有一定的杀菌抑菌作用,能够预防细菌侵入人体。


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Oct 27, 2024


1. **养胃和健胃**:奶桃中的牛奶和核桃成分都有助于养胃和健胃,对改善胃部不适有一定的效果。

2. **补血养血**:奶桃中含有的营养成分有助于补充血液,对贫血有一定的改善作用。

3. **抗衰老**:核桃中的磷脂成分有助于保护脑神经,从而具有抗衰老的作用。

4. **软化血管**:核桃中的某些成分可以软化血管,有助于改善血管硬化,对高血压和冠心病患者有益。


5. **提高免疫力**:奶桃富含蛋白质和多种氨基酸,有助于增强免疫力,预防疾病。

6. **润肠通便**:奶桃中的果胶和纤维素可以促进肠道蠕动,对便秘有改善作用。


7. **补益气血**:奶桃含有铁元素,有助于改善气血不足的情况。



More Details
Oct 22, 2024


1. **健脾和胃**:太白穴位于足太阴脾经上,是脾经的输穴和原穴,属土,因此具有健脾和胃的作用。对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振、消化不良等症有很好的治疗效果。

2. **清热化湿**:太白穴能清热化湿,对于因湿热引起的胃痛、腹胀、便秘、呕吐等症状有缓解作用。


3. **扶脾土、和中焦、调气机、助运化**:太白穴能帮助调和脾胃功能,促进气血的运行,增强机体的代谢和运化能力。

4. **治疗脾胃病**:太白穴主要用于治疗脾胃病,如胃痛、腹胀、便秘、呕吐等。

5. **治疗关节痛、脚气病**:由于“输主体重节痛”,太白穴对于关节痛、脚气病等也有一定的治疗效果。

6. **治疗其他疾病**:太白穴还能治疗如痢疾、吐泻、肠鸣、身重、胸胁胀满、热病无汗、手足厥冷、脚气红肿、膝胫酸痛、转筋等疾病。

7. **调节身体功能**:太白穴具有双向调节作用,如揉此穴腹泻可止,便秘可通。

8. **保健作用**:对于脾胃虚弱的人群,经常按摩太白穴可以起到保健作用,增强体质。


– 位置:位于足内侧缘,当足大趾本节(第1跖趾关节)后下方赤白肉际凹陷处。
– 方法:可以采用拇指按压或揉动太白穴,力度适中,每次按摩3-5分钟即可。


More Details
Jul 12, 2024

Dream Rosa pulled up Saya and said to everyone, "You all close your eyes. I’ll make Saya come back now. Don’t peek, or I may make Saya even uglier if I’m not careful. Giggle!"

Everybody close their eyes quickly. Xu Qiang and Xiao Mei all turned around for fear that they could not help but peek. In fact, we were fooled by Meng Luosha. What kind of thing would happen? It was just a joke.
I felt a flash of light in front of my eyes, and Rosa told us that I could open my eyes. I quickly opened my eyes and saw the scene in front of me, which made me almost faint. The small night not only changed back, but also became more beautiful than before. Together with Rosa, it was no less than the two super beautiful women. Naturally, there was an indescribable temperament that people dared not face up to.
I tried to suppress the amazing feeling in my heart, swallowed water and said to Meng Rosa, "Rosa, how can you make Saya so beautiful that she can work later?" Are you invisible to outsiders like you? "
Dream Rosa smiled and said to me, "If not, you can see our original appearance, and the rest of us can see it. It’s very ordinary. Saya and I don’t believe you, just ask your friend to see what he saw." Dream Rosa pointed to Yunfei.
At this time, everyone also replied to hear the dream of Rosa and hurriedly ran over to ask Yunfei what he saw. Yunfei scratched his head and said to us, "It’s just two girls. How do you say it’s the same?" It’s no surprise. I don’t even know what your fast-flowing water sample is just now. "
Yunfei is not white. He thinks that the dream Rosa and Saya’s appearance are very ordinary girls. They are not as exaggerated as everyone described. What beautiful women and fairies are worse than girls? This makes him doubt our aesthetic standards. If it weren’t for the presence of two girls, he would almost say to everyone directly, "These two girls are not beautiful at all. They are better than dinosaurs. You are so stupid to look at everything."
After I heard Yunfei’s words, I guessed from his words and expressions that what he didn’t say didn’t refute Yunfei’s smile and said to Luo Sha, a dream, "Luo Sha, this is our good brother, and you and Saya can let her see herself."
With the dream, Rosa nodded, Yunfei was stunned, and the pupil was enlarged, and the saliva flowed more than anyone else. He couldn’t believe what he saw and absolutely didn’t believe that there were such beautiful two women. The feeling was beyond the expression of human words.
Looking at Yunfei, everyone laughed. No one blames Yunfei because we all feel that way. It’s not surprising that he is so perfect. It is very appropriate that human willpower can’t resist.
With the "departure" of boss Lei, all of us slowly left the boss’s office. Penny ur (and I) walked to the queue while holding a daze. Many people congratulated boss Lei and us all the way, and we also replied to each other and said something to cheer for everyone.
From the farewell to the flaming fire city, I patted Yunfei heavily and yelled at his ear "Wake up! The saliva is drowning people! "
Such a toss-up made Yunfei awake and muttered and asked me, "Where’s the beauty? Where’s the beauty? No. Where’s the goddess? Where is the goddess? "
I patted Yunfei’s head again and said to him, "Look at you stupid. If you are like this, I will ask Meng Luosha to become the same before your eyes. Oh, you are the worst of us and you can’t recover for so long."
"Don’t, don’t, I’m just excited now, but there’s a saying that they are so beautiful, and I’m sure no one can resist it." Yunfei waved his hand again and again and didn’t want the dream Rosa and Saya to become what he saw before, and by the way, he also said his feelings about the two beautiful women.
We didn’t dump him. Now everyone is thinking, what can we order later? How can we eat even the businessmen feel distressed or pay attention to the point? Seeing more beautiful women has also strengthened our adaptability. In many cases, these two beautiful women can’t make dreams. Rosa can even stick to us wolves at night. It’s not a piece of cake, let alone being naughty at night. Just count her. She is a businessman’s wife, and everyone except the businessman has no idea or dare to think about her.
During the dinner in Zuifengju, Boss Lei and the businessman respectively told everyone about the post-planning and development plan. The post-construction of Night County will be built according to the standards of Class B cities. Although the initial investment is relatively large, it is very beneficial to the post-development. There is no need to repeat the investment. In the next two months, Night County will focus on urban construction, army expansion and training, talent recruitment, and finding favorable alliance partners.
Urban construction and investment promotion will be left to businessmen and Sayyaf troops, that is, boss Lei and brother Ye attract talents, that is, all people will form alliances with partners, and because of the importance, boss Lei will let them personally control us. If we find a suitable partner, we can introduce one. Even if the alliance is unsuccessful, we can still pull less enemies.
After dinner, I couldn’t wait to ask the businessman to make an appointment in the bet and let him help me arrange the ten-meter moat. The businessman walked over and asked me, "Do it now?" Don’t need a rest? "
"Of course, finish early and let you pay for it early. Please don’t blackmail me, you big rich man. My brothers are unfair!" I acted like a fair judge, and secretly pulled the others to support me.
Little sister, they have also expressed their support for my line. I must knock the businessman hard
Businessmen don’t talk much anymore. They took us away from Zuifengju and walked outside the block. They also helped me to get a hoe and said it was a tool for me. I resisted the hoe and went to the border of the former Night Village with the businessman. He and Saya had already designed a plan and pointed to a piece of land ten meters away in front of us and said to me, "Just dig there. Remember, it is a moat ten meters long, twenty meters wide and twenty meters deep. You can’t cut corners or dig less men and men. You are willing to lose the bet! Hey! "
After listening to the businessman’s words, I looked at the land in front of me and froze completely. According to the businessman’s words, don’t I have to dig about 4 cubic meters of soil? Will it take years to finish? At this moment, a picture emerged in my mind of a white-haired old man waving a hoe to dig in the scorching sun, then stumbling and picking up the dug soil to dump it, and then continuing to come back to dig. There were also a group of people around the old man. That was the old man he is my brother who was helping the digging old man with their own children and grandchildren. It was exasperating that there were many fruits and cooked food around the old man he is my brother … and they were all sitting on the sun umbrella, and the poor digging old man was my Xiaohua.
The businessman woke me up with a daze smile and said to me, "Are you scared? I’m not hard on you. The moat in the second-class city is really like this. After that, we have to dig two kilometers around Night County. Otherwise, the roots can’t resist other people’s attacks. Dig patiently. It’s only half a month at most. I’ll leave first. There are still many things to do after the upgrade. Send me a message if you have any questions. "
After the businessman said this, he left Saya with Ye Erge and made a face at me when he left. Unfortunately, I was in a semi-coma and responded to Saya’s face.
All the brothers around me also came to comfort me and expressed their support to me, saying that they would definitely help me win, but when I put the hoe in front of them, they all stepped back three feet and told me repeatedly that their so-called support was spirit, that is, sending water and food to cheer me up.
Fortunately, I knew it would be like this, but I didn’t expect them to help me at all. After glaring at them, I threw my hair back and resisted the hoe. I went to that land "righteously" and started my digging career.
On the first afternoon of digging, my brothers came to "visit"-I sent me some delicious food, and I haven’t seen anyone since that afternoon. I checked a team member’s table and it showed that none of them were online. Later, I heard from Xinxia that they all went shopping with Yunmin and Yunqing.
I dug there day and night alone for two days before I dug about half a meter. Because many of my own data were not displayed, I don’t know whether my strength and other attributes have increased. I found that HP and physical data have changed a lot and I am half tired. Every day, the amount of exercise is too large, and my muscles are in a state of pain. When I go back to rest, anyone who takes a ride on my shoulder will be paralyzed for a long time. It is gratifying that Xinxia massages me every day in the game to help me get rid of some fatigue, so that I can enjoy it well.
What excites me even more is coming. After knowing that my digging has increased a lot of HP and physical strength, Boss Lei ordered all male brothers to dig. After he finished his work every day, he also came to see Xu Qiang. They all fought against hoes and dug there desperately. I was so happy that I laughed and went over to "point out" them from time to time. It’s a pity that businessmen don’t need to dig. He has too many things every day and doesn’t belong to the type of fighting. I also complained specifically about this. Although I know it’s impossible to succeed, I don’t feel like it.
Later, the rest of the place was also built, and the new city wall was also being built. From the mouth of those players who studied architecture, I learned that they didn’t need to dig like we did. All this was done by puppets made by them. I also thought about getting a puppet to help. Unfortunately, the original owner told me that the puppet wouldn’t move, and Boss Lei didn’t allow us to severely punish those who found the disadvantages. All this made me give up the idea of getting a puppet to help. First, it was a little late to learn architecture. Second, it would be troublesome to be caught by Boss Lei. Third, I thought that since
Most of the girls went to help us develop local industries in Night County. The local industries in Night County are clothes, beds and handicrafts in scenic spots. Ye Erge brought them in. He has advantages in this respect. Ye Erge is going to turn our night county into his "blue leaf" group and create another production base. Even all the products are sold under the trademark of "blue leaf"
Two days passed in the game, that is, the last month of the public beta of Dream, and the game was registered. When new registered players buy helmets, they can also register on the Internet. However, the helmet scanning system has restricted 161-year-old players from entering our country according to the laws of various countries. In China, players are 1 year old, but most of them are 16 years old abroad.
The ratio of game time to reality has also changed to 41, that is, 4 hours in the game and 1 hour in reality, and the damn hour limit has also been cancelled. The reason is that now it is necessary to upgrade by killing monsters, and the ratio of game time has also increased. So many players can handle their own affairs when they are finished, so they don’t have to worry that others will surpass them when they are away. Now, everyone doesn’t know the strength of others, so they don’t have the oppressive mood to do whatever they like.
In reality, boss Lei’s training has also been shown. Boys have to get up at 4 o’clock every morning to run 1 meter breaststroke, 5 meters push-ups and many other physical exercises. Boss Lei said that this will gradually increase the amount of exercise and training methods just after. Girls don’t train with us every day, but when they look at their increasingly tanned skin and come back, they will know that their exercise will not be less than ours. Girls can sacrifice their beauty and are not afraid of suffering, so we boys can’t lose face. Days after the training, I can’t shout that I am tired and insist that I have no problem. In fact, we boys are the worst. Every day, we dig a moat in the game, and the game has to be trained. The whole robot has been doing a lot of physical activities day and night. The girls are tired in reality, but they are still more relaxed in the game, either to help with some manual work or to learn management and other knowledge. Xu Qiang often sighs, "God! Let me be a woman! "
Jokes are jokes. No one has ever stolen, but they bite their teeth and insist on training. Because no one wants to be a burden in the team, they all hope that they can play a role in the future. They can’t let Boss Lei and businessmen resist all the burdens, and we must all be independent.
Half a month passed during the game, and my 10-meter moat was almost completed. Yanhuo College also sent me a notice to "comfort" before I left the "misery". My brothers who were still digging told them that I was going to learn and asked them to work hard to meet the requirements of changing jobs as soon as possible.
In the envy of my brothers and the envy of Xu Qiang, I left Night County for the place where I will study in the future-"Yanhuo College", which was the third day of the first year of Tianfeng.
Chapter 19 Admission experience
When I came to Yanhuo College again, I found that the college is no longer the kind of empty situation when I first came here. Many students in school let me feel the atmosphere of the school again. The boys in this school are dark red and the girls are milky white. There seems to be a pattern similar to the school emblem on their chests. People are walking and practicing tricks, and they are also thinking hard. I also saw a mage friend who was caught and fined for accidentally releasing a fire magic to burn down the college plants. Many people know that they are novice players at first glance. Many people are estimated to have just passed the trial in the novice village and are still wearing cloth. It seems that the announcement of the new rules has not reduced the enthusiasm of players. The number of people who have registered for the past two months has increased, but there has been no reduction in the number of games. It has been more than two days since the game was closed. I wonder how many people will increase then?
Who cares? Before the brothers come, let’s talk about comfort first. Beautiful girls, I’ll come!
“ ` ` w w w
Thinking of this, I lifted my feet and ran to the principal’s office to find President Yan’s report. First of all, I have to explain here that I am not chasing MM, but to feel the school life again. Which MM can have a dream like Rosa and Saya? Why am I running here to chase after MM? Now MM’s beauty has already failed to impress me. It’s especially important that this is a game in which school life is different from that in reality. In reality, it’s all through the back door. It’s unified management here. Although other players can run colleges later, that’s a thing of the past. Let’s not enter their college head office, right?
After knocking at the door in President Yan’s office, I greeted President Yan and told him who I was. I also described in detail the situation when I first came with Yunfei. I’m not surprised that President Yan will forget that I have been digging a moat for so many days, and my skin is black and my muscles are strong in the game. Now this imitation in the game is no longer the same as before. It’s always the case that players can spend money to restore their former appearance. I’m too lazy to restore it. No one knows that I’m the best.
After listening to my self-introduction, President Yan made a big fuss and even said to me, "Sorry, sorry! There are so many students in the school recently that I can’t remember them at all. Please sit down! Please sit down! "
I wonder if NPC also has a bad memory, while sitting in the chair and facing President Yan, saying, "President, I came to see you this time to go through the entrance formalities. I also know that this is against the rules, but I really can’t find a place to handle it, so I came to see you directly." I didn’t find a place, but I was just lazy.
Principal Yan got up from his chair and smiled and said to me, "No, no, I’ll take you to the entrance formalities."
Principal Yan is particularly enthusiastic after knowing that the player in front of him is the person who his mother personally ordered to take "special care". Although the mother means to take care of the player, is it still so hard to take care of the whole person in the game by means of her mother? He hasn’t seen any player in the game who is worthy of his mother’s personal questioning. This shows that this player called God’s Will must be different from his mother and it’s not bad to get closer to her if she doesn’t go against her original intention.
I declined. President Yan personally took me to the meeting. Just take out the map and let him tell me where it is. We don’t want to do anything special, or other players will have different guesses. It’s hard to be famous!
President Yan was rejected by me after many requests, and told me the specific location and explained to me in detail which way is closer. After learning the place, I thanked President Yan and left the principal’s office to go to the finance department for admission.
Just after I left the principal’s office, dream Rosa appeared in Yan’s office with anger and said to Yan, "What should you take care of him so much?" Don’t you know the meaning of what I said to you every time? I want him to suffer from hardship from the moment he comes in. I don’t need you to give him a special gift. I want to train him, but I don’t want him to grow up in a greenhouse. Only in the most difficult environment can someone be trained. Do you know what I mean? "

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Jul 12, 2024

"You can have as much as the princess wants. Please be assured that I will choose the best person to come over."

Although Qingyun Gate is a bedroom, men are not allowed to enter it without authorization on weekdays, but it does not mean that there will be a scandal if hundreds of men really come here. It means that there is no harm in talking about this kind of ethical code. If some soldiers are really needed, there will be corresponding supervision means to ensure that there will be no problems.
It’s more important to consider this real anti-theft. Most of the soldiers in Wangfu are poor. In case anyone looks jealous and steals something, the influence will be very bad. It’s absolutely impossible for the guards to do such a thing, and it’s better to be veterans. Their families want to come here and dare not break the law with those Jianghu people.
Princess sank for a moment and added, "Yang Yizheng called you here this time. In addition to dispatching personnel, there are some things to ask you about your family. Your mother Liu gets along very well, even if you are an elder. I hope you can tell me the truth. Can you win this battle? I don’t want rhetoric. I want you to tell me the truth from your heart. I will never leave my ears. I want to be prepared. If I can’t keep it, I will support you. I can be prepared to follow Lao Wang’s utensils and I can’t find anything when I get it. "
If the palace is breached, she will not be humiliated alive. It is conceivable that she will die, and there is nothing to be shocked about. It is also normal to have this idea. For the Wangfu people, the princess can be avoided. Even if she knows that she will definitely lose, she will have to fight because she has not surrendered.
Yang Chengzu is not afraid to tell her the truth, and she will be shaken, because she has no room to be shaken, and there is no way to escape from the truth. Where can she escape from here when she is sealed?
"Empress minister is not a real officer who leads troops, but he is not very good at it. It is even more difficult to talk about knowing soldiers and knowing soldiers, so my hands may not necessarily have some opinions on individuals. I dare not say that I will win this battle, but I can guarantee that I will not lose."
"Although their offensive momentum is fierce, we still hold on to it. There are still dozens of ten thousand enemies in the current palace, and it is not a problem for us to do twenty or thirty more. Those people don’t know how many ten thousand enemies we have, and even throwing some barrels out can scare them. This palace wall is high and thick, and there is enough medicine for a few days. But I don’t think it will be a few days when it is left to the rebels."
"There is not much time left for you." In another corner of Wangfu, some people quietly gathered to listen to the people preaching that although they sacrificed such a master as pig iron Buddha in that tough battle, Shi Jinliang was not paid less. He finally succeeded in sneaking into Wangfu and leaving the secret line of Wangfu to connect his head.
Shi Jinliang’s palace has its own details, some of whom are guards hired by Qian Furen and some of whom are hiding in Dacheng Martial Arts School’s Shengwei Escort. They have already entered the mansion, and the whole Anlu city fox society has long been infiltrated by Bailian Sect. It is not difficult to place some people.
But these people are too few to form a scale, and even dare not give some information for fear of exposing their identity and risking their lives. At most, they dare not do it by spreading some public opinion along with gossip.
The emissary told these humanitarians, "The Stone Prince will take action against Wangfu in these two days. What you need to do is …"
Chapter four hundred and fifty Centering (3)
"Although the old report is not luxurious, it is the Wangfu after all. There are some things in this Wangfu that have accumulated over the years. No matter what you see, the tube and the mourning family will reward you. If the rebels come in, there will be nothing. At this time, there will not be so many rules and so many taboos. Even if you take a fancy to a certain Gonge mourning family, you will reward her to you. There is one thing you have to promise me."
Yang Chengzu knows that Jiang Fei is a woman after all, and she may have the courage to kill herself in case her mansion is destroyed by random troops, but before that, she must have anxiety, vacillation and fear brought about by the uncertain future of the war situation. These are normal facts, and most women in the imperial clan of the vassal state are far from her in the same situation.
Just like Mrs. Wang, the side princess, although she is more practical than Jiang Fei, she does a lot of work because she is busy or just busy. The reason why she is so busy is not to relieve her pressure by being busy, so that she has no time and energy to think about what to do if the palace is lost and the thief is killed.
It is reasonable to ask him to ask about the military situation and ask him for an attitude, but he didn’t expect that the princess would pay such a generous price for the women’s money in the mansion, but what she asked for was to save her life in case the palace fell.
"According to the rules of the imperial court, Yan’s son will die with him. Once the country is lost, he will also die. But he is a child and has not attacked Jue, so he will die. This is unfair to him. In case the Wangfu can’t keep it, I want you to promise to rescue Yan’s family at all costs. I also allow you to escape with your own family and destroy it without accompanying the Wangfu. Remember to treat Yan’s son well and let him be an ordinary person who has no worries about food and clothing. I will appreciate it.
Out of this trust, Princess Chiang is more like an ordinary mother than a noble princess. Although this trust is incompatible with the imperial system, Yang Chengzu has no reason to refuse to reward him. Princess Chiang allows him to meet his family even if he stays there.
These days, although the whole family is in Wangfu, it’s different except that Hao Qingqing can always see him in front of them. His harem can’t see him, and they know that the killing in front of them is dangerous. These women are restless in their hearts. As soon as he comes, even Liu can’t control their emotions. Yang Chengzu’s face and hands are touching with tears in his eyes.
"Are you hurt? Are you really hurt? I heard that the fight ahead was very dangerous, many people died and many people were injured. Do you have anything for Niang to have a good look? "
Miao came into some kind of anxiety because she was pregnant. At this time, she simply hugged Yang Chengzu, saying, "Just let the heaven and man laugh at me and admit it. Let them all say that I am a shameless and immoral woman. Even if it is really a sink, I will be your woman aboveboard and never share with you."
His wife also kept crying and coaxed Iron Coral into the past, but she was dejected and looked at herself with a bulging belly. "If only I didn’t have a baby, I could kill the enemy outside with my husband. I also have a good gun stick and I won’t lose to that female bandit."
"I know you are all my good mothers. I can’t live without you." Yang Chengzu kissed all the way and asked with a smile. "Where is Yao Niang? Why don’t you see her back and where are those two girls with swords and bows? "
"When Yao Niang was guarding the city, she met an old maid-in-waiting who said that she didn’t practice martial arts. Most of the time, the master just didn’t learn what she had taught. The old maid-in-waiting wanted to give her everything to Yao Niang. She learned kung fu there, but I sent a letter from Hong Shao. I think she will be back soon." Yang Chengzu said gently while massaging her shoulders and back.
Although she cried badly, she was able to control her emotions at this moment, knowing that the man could come back from the fire line and it was not easy to enter the construction site behind Wangfu, and she didn’t know how much strength. This is not the time to cry, but to let him try his best to relax.
Li Yu ‘e asked, "Husband, why did you come here after work? Isn’t it forbidden for men to enter casually? Are you sneaking in to see us?" She remembered that Yang Chengzu was so sneaking into his house and touching his room when he was in hua county, and because of this, he actually got his sister’s hands and face slightly enthusiastic. Is it so ridiculous that "xianggong" has been so sad these days?
"Of course not, I am Wang Fuyi who can take the lead in breaking the law? Is the princess called and chartered me to come and see you today, princess empress, I can stay here. "
"The former enemy that surface …"
"Yes, that’s true, but I don’t know when the former enemy will fight and stay here … but it’s ok to comfort my bitch." Seeing that he has some mischief, Liu’s face is red and he pretends to Chen, "How can the unbridled mother behave in such a way that it’s no big or small? It’s really the princess empress who asked you if you have any urgent business to delay."
"That’s the way it is, but you can’t say anything about it …"
When Yang Chengzu finished saying that Liu’s eyes were reddish, he said, "Poor God, my parents’ heart and princess empress is also a bad karma woman. There is nothing wrong with her doing it. If the two of us were in other places, I would do the same thing. Chengzu, if it really comes to that, you should take them away and leave the empress alone. Here, you should always be prepared not to fall into the hands of the disorderly army and give Yang Jiazu a disgrace."
Yang Chengzu quickly got up and came to Liu’s back and gently beat her back and massaged her shoulders. "Mom, what are you talking about? Your son is not a generation of disorderly troops. It’s not so easy to call in. If they really call in, I will take you and them away from you. They are all my most important people. I won’t lose one."
At this juncture, Yao Niang came back from the outside with two maids, called a husband, and came over to take his place, and told the two maids, "Don’t stand there and prepare some food and drink for" xianggong ".Our family can have a good reunion and talk more."
After about an hour, a little eunuch with fine features and quick steps came to Yang’s place before leaving the hospital with an order: "The Temple Xuanyi is going to Dan’s room, please go there quickly."
After a long time, his clothes were disheveled and he was a little embarrassed. Yang Chengzu came out of the courtyard and didn’t get angry and asked, "Is the will of the little father-in-law so urgent?"
Chapter four hundred and six Centering (4)
It’s not too good for anyone who is engaged in a great cause of human reproduction to be interrupted. He is about to comfort these women today, and those concubines are rarely crazy. He actually agreed to let him sleep together in broad daylight, and his attitude was naturally less respectful when he was interrupted by blushing when he was full of ambitions in Alakazam.
The little eunuch looked at his embarrassed look and smiled slightly. "This is a world-famous call for handmaiden. How dare you neglect and not stir up Lord Yizheng?"
Some strange smell in the little eunuch’s nose made the heart snigger. It’s really not afraid of ugliness to do it in broad daylight, but I remembered that when we met, I imagined that two snow-white people would be in a melee and some blushed slightly.
Yang Chengzu just looked at this little eunuch carefully. He seems to be a little older than himself. His skin is bright and clean, and his figure is petite and exquisite. His face is like peach blossom eyebrows, like willow leaves, and his eyes are like paint, and his teeth are wandering. If he is a woman, he is a stunning eunuch … Is it a false mother?
It suddenly occurred to him that Zhengde and Liu Jin and other tigers seem to have good friends. Is Jiajing also fond of this and eunuchs …
Of course, men and women in the Great Dynasty are not regarded as heresies, and no one will make irresponsible remarks about them. On the contrary, they are also described as elegant things by literati. However, Hanlin style is very famous. Most of the children who read books are capable people with doors around them. This is the fact, but this style has affected the names of Japan and the Warring States all the way across the sea, and the same is true of the nicknames around them.
Personally, he is very disgusted with this kind of thing, but the little eunuch’s appearance … seems to be not unacceptable, and the little eunuch still exudes a certain fragrance, which makes people feel relaxed and happy after smelling it. Even the interrupted anger is gradually eliminated.
Thinking about thin Jiajing and this eunuch, it seems that the style of painting is not so disgusting. Forget it, I can’t think about it anymore. Yang Chengzu quickly put this idea to an end. The little eunuch has more handsome life and he doesn’t want to step into that strange field.
"Lead the way before your head." The two of them turned three times and two times from this courtyard in tandem and gradually entered the huge and complicated post-bedroom complex of Wangfu.
Yang Chengzu is an instrument guard, but he doesn’t come to the three-foot forbidden area much. Every time, Huang Jinling takes a fixed route to the designated place. He is not familiar with other places, so he turns a little after several turns. Do you think this Dan room seems to be a little biased?
It is normal to pursue purity in monastic affairs. After a few steps, Yang Chengzu asked, "What’s your name, little father-in-law?"
"My family name is Bai poor, and my name is Bai Er."
"White father-in-law in the past are jin-huang huang father-in-law called how to change to you today? What else? I think we’ve met somewhere. I think you look a little familiar. "
"I’m welcome. I’m just a handmaiden. How can you have seen me?"
"Turned out to be a white lotus virgin cry cry but you’re at the wrong door? This is my territory outside your brigade. Do you think you’ll run away if I yell at someone now? "
"Brother-in-law, it’s boring to talk like this. Although there are many people in the palace, don’t try to catch me. I can be a eunuch in the house. Naturally, there is me. I can escape when I’m finished. Then I will shout that you want to fly to me and try to fly all the way to a little eunuch’s brother-in-law. Your name will ring." She said to this charming smile, but it’s hard to say that it’s wrong.
The leprechaun was indeed a leprechaun Yang Chengzu. When she was a little eunuch, she thought he was a very false mother. At this moment, she was confirmed to be a daughter. It is even more important to admit that this is the first beauty she has ever encountered in her life, that is, Liu Wuer and Qian Furen are inferior to her. I know that the two sides are opposed to each other, but I can’t help but burst into spirits when I see her smiling.
She knows that even if she doesn’t have the power to harm them, it’s really not suitable to be a thief for a thousand days without preventing thieves’ eyes for a thousand days. Don’t deliberately turn against her unless you are sure that a blow will hit you. Yang Chengzu nodded at this thought and said, "Since the saint has this pleasure, it is unfair. Please welcome the saint to lead the way."

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Jul 10, 2024

Break the opponent’s melee force output!

Ling Huchong’s simple command in the team is almost instantaneous, and everyone knows the strategic fact represented by it. Their hearts also know that this method is probably available at such a moment.
It’s not that far away that the other side’s remaining combat power is coming, and the distance is becoming more and more precarious. Although all they need to do here is to escape from each other’s close distance instead of defeating each other, it’s still not an easy task-the other side is so well prepared, isn’t it confident to control it?
In this situation of "struggling", "being struggling", "being close to the body" and "being close to the body", it is probably suspicious at first, which causes the action to be slow. Zuo Tangtang is free, and he is forced to target almost everyone in the Jianghu gang, but he has been missed in such a man-to-man plan.
Zuo Tangtang is still a little dull. Looking at the scattered people, it seems that her thinking has diverged. Even though she is actually seriously calculating the distance between them, how did they get so lucky when the Jianghu Gang broke through the situation here? No one aimed at her, but she didn’t pay attention. She completely regarded herself as a passerby in this battle deployment. Tourists have long forgotten that they are still in the Jianghu Gang team.
Learning to ponder over the wild fighting here as an extracurricular example will definitely make the senior sister Heifeng Village in menstruation Palace feel limited and "relieved"
The situation is getting tense.
The scattered people didn’t fly straight and continuously with flying skills as the Jianghu gang imagined, but trotted towards this side according to the unified road.
Zuo Tangtang knows very well what this is.
Light work value
This can be seen in both combat and life, but it must have a certain limit value. It is a place that needs attention. For example, when you are on the road, you can occasionally go through clouds and swallow classes to speed up, and it is like flying back quickly when you see yourself locking the charge in the opposite direction in battle. Lightness Skill plays a very important role in this.
And now …
Zuo Tangtang looked at his eyes. Although the moving speed was slow, he was still in an orderly way. There were some feelings in the team’s heart. This is the rhythm of saving lightness skill! Lightness Skill value is not irrecoverable, but it takes some time. It is a very slow and slow process to finish in the battle. It can be said bluntly that when the person who waits for Lightness Skill value meets a good opponent, he has already been killed by his opponent’s knife several times.
Now it’s quite true that people are scattered-they are perfectly ready to meet the battle as soon as they rush over!
Hey! Oh! Bang!
When the character raises his sword, he shouts parry and resists the opponent’s attack. When the two knives collide, they collide … all in Zuo Tangtang’s ear.
The team is clean and there is no one to direct it.
Everyone sees in the unprecedented busy attention that the problem is not that Zuo Tangtang is coming alone. If they don’t let themselves get away before they come, then they must be unwilling to fall to the ground.
Talk at this time? No, they will spend more time on their own and attacking, whether to play it or find it, when they all want to escape!
Zuo Tangtang’s face was tense and he looked at each other in situ. The group of people came to float on the keyboard. Some fingers twitched slightly unconsciously and looked back and cast a glance at his teammates who were still fighting, and then moved their eyes to the distance.
She didn’t say that taking the initiative to fight and trying to help her teammates get rid of one more can get rid of one. First, she has no ability to win back the opponent’s rhythm. Second, she is very conscious of her fighting experience. Even if she has the ability to save one teammate, can she and this teammate save the whole situation?
The answer is obvious.
They can’t do it when the other side is so perfect.
It’s a perfect fit
Well, they have always underestimated this point. The total conductor of the other party looks so ridiculous, but it is ridiculous, but it is himself who can’t see clearly.
Since she is lucky to be ignored by the other party at the moment, she should try to seize the opportunity to do something that can hinder this group, even though she can’t stop the other party from being surrounded twice.
For example, interrupting this, they have been ignoring the tacit cooperation to be continued.
[36. Three hundred and sixty-nine Planning pause]
In the corner of my eye, Yu Guangzhong, the Jianghu gang, played very well, just like an unexpected move-suddenly the big move was temporarily replaced by a backward move when the other party was fighting, or pretended not to be prepared to defraud the other party of a big move D, etc. However, the other party was also excellent, and it was only in this way that the fist of the Jianghu gang hit the soft cotton. Perhaps it was only when the real thing happened that both sides knew each other well.
The biggest difference from Jianghu gangs is that the most masculine gangs don’t have to care about how much damage the other side has caused them. Different attitudes between the two sides also determine which side has the advantage in this confrontation. At this time, Jianghu gangs are in a hurry to escape. Although they cheated the other side of a lot of tricks with great damage, they didn’t make effective moves, which is doubtful for the most masculine gangs, because what they do is not to encircle them like Jianghu gangs just did to them. They just have to stall Jianghu gangs at this time.
Jianghu people don’t know what the most manly plan is.
But that’s what makes me sick.
In the past, almost all the men in their encirclement were beaten to half their blood volume, and then this change happened. At this time, if they tried to kill them, they had a 10% chance to do it, but what happened after they did it? Was forced to kill by the scattered team with residual blood?
No, it’s obvious that this strategy is impossible
They know that they can kill the most men before the scattered team comes, so what they can do is to get rid of the most men before the scattered team comes, and then try to deal with the two teams in other ways, but it will be later.
They think it’s beautiful, but the other side clearly knows that they are going to be completely afraid of themselves, and that looks miserable and bloody and arrogant in front of them.
Jianghu people couldn’t help cursing in a low voice.
This group of shameless souls are only doing this when they are in love with each other at this time. Every time they fight, this group of short people never fight with them head-on, except for the sneak attack on trees and climbing walls. They are also a swing at ordinary times and are despised by them.
Still the most manly? !
Oh! Oh! Da!
More and more angry, more and more trying to escape, but being shamelessly stuck to the melee Jianghu gang, the people became more and more grumpy, and the exercises at hand made them have no leisure to go to the team channel to vomit, but fortunately, the mocking mode was started in their hearts, and the high and cold were ridiculed.
However, perhaps because of the humbling, I have been spitting in my heart while making a strong breakthrough in the close-quarters strategy. The level displayed by the Jianghu gang is getting sharper and sharper, which makes the most men on the spot stunned.
The Jianghu gang … ran away? !
Damn it, is this all right? !
The most manly man can’t help but stagnate slightly for two seconds. Looking at the powerful Jianghu gang in front of him, they can’t help shouting at ya. Are they strange? Are they weird?

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