Dec 20, 2024








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Nov 13, 2024


1. **养颜排毒**:百香果富含维生素C,有助于排除体内毒素,改善皮肤状态,达到养颜的效果。

2. **健美肌肤**:蜂蜜和百香果中的营养成分能促进肌肤健康,增强肌肤弹性。

3. **促进消化**:百香果能够深度清理肠胃,促进肠道蠕动,帮助改善便秘问题。

4. **辅助治疗多种疾病**:蜂蜜对心脏病、高血压、眼病、肝病、便秘、胃和十二指肠溃疡等都有良好的辅助治疗作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:百香果中的维生素C和多种维生素有助于增强人体的免疫力,预防感冒。

6. **抗炎作用**:百香果具有抗炎作用,可以减少炎症的发生。

7. **改善睡眠**:百香果的天然成分有助于放松神经,缓解紧张情绪,改善睡眠质量。

8. **减肥辅助**:百香果能增加胃部饱腹感,减少多余热量的摄入,抑制人体对脂肪的吸收,有助于减肥。

9. **抗氧化作用**:百香果蜂蜜中的抗氧化成分有助于延缓皮肤衰老。

10. **消炎止痛**:蜂蜜和百香果混合使用有一定的消炎止痛作用。

11. **保护心血管**:百香果蜂蜜中的一些成分有助于保护心血管健康。


12. **改善胃肠道功能**:百香果蜂蜜茶有助于改善胃肠道功能,对胃肠道功能不好的人有很好的改善作用。


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Nov 8, 2024


1. **补钙作用**:大白菜含有丰富的钙质,每克大白菜中含有一定量的钙。研究表明,一杯熟的大白菜汁几乎能提供与一杯牛奶相当量的钙,对于那些不喜欢喝牛奶的人来说,大白菜是获取钙质的理想来源。

2. **养颜护肤**:大白菜含水量高,热量低,是冬季干燥气候中保护皮肤的好帮手。它含有丰富的维生素C和E,这两种抗氧化剂有助于抵御紫外线伤害,保持皮肤弹性,延缓衰老。


3. **防癌作用**:大白菜中的某些微量元素,如钼,能够分解与乳腺癌相关的雌激素,降低乳腺癌的发病率。此外,白菜中还含有能抑制亚硝酸胺生成的微量元素,具有一定的防癌效果。

4. **润肠通便**:大白菜富含膳食纤维,有助于润肠通便,对于容易上火和便秘的人群,多吃大白菜有很好的缓解作用。


5. **辅助降血糖**:据有关资料记载,大白菜有助于降低血糖,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **排毒作用**:大白菜具有清肠、排宿便的功效,能够清除五脏的毒素。道家上清派甚至将大白菜列为“四秘”之一,认为其有神奇的排毒效果。

7. **养胃功效**:大白菜性偏凉,与肉类搭配食用,可以中和其性质,具有生津止渴、消烦解渴的作用。

8. **美容效果**:大白菜中含有丰富的水分和维生素E,有助于滋阴润燥、护肤养颜,还能防治黄褐斑和老年斑。

9. **抗氧化、抗衰老**:大白菜中的维生素和矿物质具有很好的抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。

10. **增强免疫力、促进新陈代谢**:大白菜富含多种维生素和矿物质,有助于增强免疫力,促进新陈代谢。


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Nov 4, 2024


1. **清热解毒**:千里光性味苦寒,归肺、肝经,具有清热解毒的功效。它常用于治疗由热毒引起的各种症状,如痈肿疮毒、感冒发热、咽喉肿痛、肠炎等。


2. **明目**:千里光特别适用于治疗眼部疾病,如目赤肿痛、翳障、视物模糊等。其清肝明目的作用,在中医理论中得到了广泛的认可。

3. **抗菌消炎**:千里光具有抗菌消炎的作用,对于革兰氏菌、痢疾杆菌等细菌有一定的抑制作用,对于治疗痢疾、腹泻等肠道疾病有良好效果。

4. **祛湿热**:千里光能够祛除湿热,对于大肠湿热引起的腹痛、腹泻、痢疾等症状,以及湿疹、皮疹等皮肤病,均有治疗作用。

5. **抗肿瘤作用**:现代研究表明,千里光含有多种生物碱,具有一定的抗癌活性,对白血病、宫颈癌、肺癌等癌症有一定的预防和辅助治疗作用。

6. **治疗疮毒**:民间有“一人识得千里光,家人一世不得疮”的说法,说明千里光在治疗疮毒方面有很好的效果。

7. **现代应用**:千里光在现代医学中也有广泛应用,如制成清热散结片、千喜片、千柏鼻炎胶囊等中成药,用于治疗各种炎症性疾病。


– **用药量**:千里光的用药量不宜过大,需根据个人体质和病情在医生指导下使用。

– **体质**:对于脾胃虚寒的患者,使用千里光时要谨慎。

– **辨证施治**:千里光的应用需结合具体病情进行辨证施治,不能随意用药。


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Oct 31, 2024


1. **健脾止泻**:山药具有补脾养胃的功效,对于秋季常见的腹泻有一定的改善作用。山药中的成分可以帮助调节肠道功能,对于功能性腹泻和霉菌性腹泻都有一定的缓解效果。

2. **补益强身**:山药性温而不燥,适合体虚者食用。它能够补而不热,温而不燥,对老年人尤为适宜。长期食用山药可以帮助增强体质,提高免疫力。

3. **补肺润燥**:山药是天然补肺润燥的佳品,对于久病虚损引起的慢性咳嗽有良好的调治作用。

4. **涩精止尿**:山药可以补肾涩精,对于肾虚引起的遗精、尿频等症状有一定的预防和改善作用。


5. **固涩止带**:山药有健脾化湿、固涩止带的功能,对于妇女白带增多等问题有很好的调理效果。

6. **润肤祛燥**:山药能生津润燥,有助于改善皮肤状况,增强皮肤弹性,延缓皮肤衰老。

7. **增强免疫功能**:山药中的黏蛋白、淀粉酶、皂甙、游离氨基酸等物质含量丰富,可以增强人体免疫功能,延缓细胞衰老。


8. **促进骨骼健康**:山药中的黏液多糖物质与无机盐类相结合,有助于形成骨质,增强软骨的弹性,促进骨骼恢复,增强骨密度,缓解骨质疏松。

9. **美容养颜**:山药煮水能够补充皮肤细胞活性,提高皮肤弹性,强化皮肤色白,起到美容养颜的效果。

10. **促进大脑发育**:山药中含有的多糖和一些天然皂甙可以补充磷脂,对大脑发育有很大好处,提高大脑功能,促进智力发育,增强记忆力。


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Oct 24, 2024





1. 壮阳:大葱中的维生素能保证人体激素正常分泌,有效刺激性欲,起到壮阳补阴的作用。
2. 发汗抑菌:大葱能刺激身体汗腺,达到发汗散热之作用;葱油可以刺激上呼吸道,使黏痰易于咳出。
3. 防癌:大葱所含的果胶、蒜辣素和微量元素硒,可降低结肠癌、胃癌及多种癌症的发生风险。
4. 解毒调味:大葱味辛,性微温,具有发表通阳、解毒调味的作用,适用于风寒感冒、阴寒腹痛等症状。
5. 增进食欲:生葱含烯丙基硫醚,能刺激胃液分泌,有助于增进食欲。
6. 促进新陈代谢:大葱中的营养成分有助于新陈代谢,有助于身体健康。
7. 抗氧化:大葱中的抗氧化物质能清除体内自由基,延缓衰老。






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Oct 20, 2024


1. **增强体力与免疫力**:人参具有补元气的功效,能够增强人体的免疫力和体力。灵芝则能够提高免疫力,抵抗病毒和细菌,预防感冒和炎症。

2. **抗氧化与抗疲劳**:人参和灵芝都含有丰富的抗氧化成分,如多糖、三萜类和黄酮类物质,能有效清除体内的自由基,保护细胞免受氧化损伤。同时,这两种药材还具有抗疲劳作用,能提高身体的抗疲劳能力和耐力。

3. **改善睡眠质量**:人参和灵芝都具有安神的作用,可以改善失眠、烦躁、惊悸、多梦、健忘等症状。


4. **止咳平喘**:人参和灵芝对于肺虚气喘、痰多、咳嗽等症状有缓解作用,尤其适用于痰湿型或虚寒型的咳嗽患者。

5. **补气养血**:人参和灵芝都具有补气养血的功效,可以改善因气血不足引起的乏力、气短、食欲不振等症状。

6. **调节心脏功能**:人参和灵芝对心脏有益,可以提高心肌收缩力,增加冠脉血流量,扩张血管,有助于治疗心肌缺血性疾病、心律不齐等心脏疾病。

7. **辅助治疗慢性疾病**:灵芝人参酒在中医中也被视为一种辅助治疗慢性疾病如糖尿病、肝炎等的饮品。

– 应在医生指导下适量饮用,特别是对药物敏感或有特定健康问题的人群。
– 不应过量饮用,以免引起不适。


– 孕妇和哺乳期妇女应在医生建议下使用。
– 饮用时,应按照正确的服用方法,以发挥最佳效果。


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Jul 12, 2024

Seaweed soup with little salt, some black lines, looking at a flower palace, the small urban management has entered the flower palace. I wonder if it is against the rules to kill people in red?

I’m really mad …
Kelp muttered
Zuo Tangtang was still puzzling over what it was when he heard familiar water drops.
This is …
"Little hoof! Two! " I really need to beat you, bitch. Come again
Holy shit …
Zuo Tangtang’s forehead twitched severely.
She just said that she didn’t chase her or keep her private! I’m not finished with my feelings. I’m waiting for her here!
Glared at the side of the hate, leisurely and leisurely, sitting and watching the lively scene, seaweed soup with little salt, Zuo Tangtang glanced at it and then cut back to the game.
No wonder she was just wondering how none of these people in Heifengzhai had been seen, and the result was that they came to this small channel here.
But just now Pikachu seemed to say something when he called her. Two …
Did she hear you wrong?
Although Zuo Tangtang was full of doubts, he remained silent and didn’t say a word.
"Hey? What’s wrong with the little hoof today? " Pikachu, with a special accent, continued to ask casually, "There are not many words at ordinary times! Why don’t you talk today! "
Zuo Tangtang didn’t take a reason, but Pikachu didn’t care. He always lacked a tendon, and he went on chanting.
"Alas, I say! This young man is still a better girl to talk more! Oh, well, hoof, although you can’t touch the girl’s tail, you still have to talk more. "Pikaqiu is a hello. You should accept the attitude with an open mind and educate Zuo Tangtang." You can’t pretend that temperament, can you? There are old women like that … "
Zuo Tangtang’s eminence has been sobbing until the last corner of his mouth is twitching. The peat is indeed dismissive of Pikachu, and I don’t know why it is so long. This talk is getting stronger and stronger every day.
"Old woman peat! I’m in the prime of my life! " Directly interrupted Pikachu chattering Zuo Tangtang angrily rejected.
Everyone silently bowed their heads, and the rain was falling, and they couldn’t help but turn their heads to one side.
Pikachu is really amazing. He forced the word "Lao Niang" out of his hooves.
"Hey, don’t be so excited!" Pikachu calm way
Zuo Tangtang has completely ignored at this time and watched the screen sound coming out of the earphone as if he didn’t hear it.
"Hey? Little hoof? " After half a day’s silence, Pikachu’s cheap voice came again. "Little hoof? What’s the matter? Why is it gone? "
Ding-ding-dong sounds like Pikachu checking his microphone and headphones.
Zuo Tangtang rolled his eyes very rarely and Nai said, "What else?"
"What is it? !” Pikachu put on his headphones again and seemed surprised to hear this reply "Ah! What else! There are just enough people, so you just saw me running! Such a joyous event! You’re still running? ! But after all, after a friend, I still took you into consideration and pulled you here! "
You!’ Zuo Tangtang is in a hurry.
"I know ~ I know ~" Pikachu is all kinds of batting practice now. At this time, he is very peaceful and "selling melons". "My command has always been very powerful and not excited …"
Zuo Tangtang really feels like he’s going to explode.
She didn’t forget how miserable the so-called conductor was cheated.
"All right!" Pikachu said with a wave of his hand, "Just the three of us go to the difficult twilight!"! Super simple! "
"Three people?" Zuo Tangtang hasn’t recovered yet, and he froze again.
[Nearby] Seaweed soup is less salty/Yes, there is me.
[Nearby] Pig’s trotters stew …
[Nearby] Pig’s trotters stew and cry/You are not determined!
[Nearby] Seaweed soup is less salt. Pikachu said that accompanying him to brush can control small medicines … If we hoof our brothers …
Before Zuo Tangtang finished speaking, he saw a series of smirking expressions on nearby channels to be continued.

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Jul 10, 2024

Gao Rang and Grandet sincerely wished Mei San and them, "Brother Mei San, I’m sure you can do it!"

"Thank you for your blessings. We will try our best to meet you. You have such a tacit understanding and good strength. You should also be a fixed team. I don’t know what the name of your team is?" Mei San asked curiously
Gao Rang and Grandet looked at one or two people, and now they realize that this fixed team has no name yet.
So Grandet was very embarrassed to say to Mei San, "Sorry, in fact, our team is newly established and has no name yet."
"Your team turned out to be a vegetable establishment, depending on the tacit understanding between you two, or are you two partners who have been playing together for several years?" Gao Jean Grandet’s tacit understanding surprised Mei San.
To tell the truth, Gao Rang and Grandet are also very surprised at their tacit understanding. They are like telepathy. Although they have only been together for less than two days, they seem to be playing together since childhood. They also explain this wonderful feeling.
Gao Rang and Grandet were thinking about the name of the team at the same time. When they thought that their team was a new team, the same name-the new alliance-appeared in their minds at the same time.
So the two men said, "Why don’t we call our team’ New Alliance’?"
Looking at different mouths saying the same name, Gao Rang and Grandet Maysan all showed their expressions of surprise again, while Gao Rang and Grandet smiled at each other.
This is the so-called natural tacit understanding!
Chapter 26 Treasure thieves
After exchanging pleasantries with Mei Sanren for a few minutes, Gao Rang and Grandet waved goodbye to them.
Looking at Gao Rang and Grandet slowly drifting away, Mei Liu asked Mei San, "Third Brother, what did you tell those two people about our Meishan?"
Mei San Xiao smiled and said, "Because those two people are worthy of our belief, don’t forget that the blood wolf king boss is actually equal to their free gift to us."
Next to Mei Jiu, she also asked, "Brother San, why didn’t you invite them to join our team when they said they were a new team?"
"These two people have ambitions that we can’t give them. I don’t want to restrain them from growing up. Even if I invite them, they may not agree."
Mei Qi said otherwise, "Brother San, will you think highly of these two people?"
"Look up? I’m afraid I have underestimated their real strength. Have you just noticed that the pupil of the treasure hunter turned out to be blood red, and the picture of him becoming a bat when he avoided the blood wolf king’s "angry blow" is also very surprising; The other chairman was very sad and not simple, not to mention his freely retractable claw. It was also very surprising that he sent out the screenshot of the blood wolf king attribute in the team chat bar! Don’t you have the ability to view monster attributes in Xiao Jiu? However, her skills can see the monster’s name, grade and blood volume, and this chairman is very sad that she can see the attack mode and skills of the blood wolf king and the situation that will be triggered when the blood volume drops at various stages. Do you still think they are ordinary? " Mei San analyzed Gao Rang and Grandet.
Mei Jiu held his fist and looked at Gao Rang and Grandet’s disappearing direction and said, "Third brother, do you think we will see these two guys again?"
"I don’t know, but I have a hunch that we will meet again and they will help us more!" Mei San also looked at Gao Rang and Grandet’s disappearance direction.
After Mei San said goodbye to them, Grandet separated the team from theirs.
Now Gao Rang and Grandet wander around the barren stone valley, encountering wild dogs and hyenas all the way, and they all died in their hands.
Walking, Gao Rang and Grandet suddenly met a strange monster with a big burden, and the name of the monster’s head was still shining with colorful light.
Being curious, Gao Rang gave insight skills to this monster with a colorful name flashing.
Treasure Thief (Special Monster) HP 1
Grade 1
Reward amount 2 gold coins
This guy is a wanted criminal in the mainland. It is said that this guy has stolen a lot of treasures. If you see this guy, you will be lucky, because this guy has no attack power, but he is an escape expert. Don’t let this guy escape from you! After killing this guy, take his head and the contents of the baggage to the Italian city, island or village to find the local np sheriff in exchange for the bonus; Other treasures in this guy’s baggage naturally belong to killing others.
After seeing this monster attribute, Gao Rang and Grandet both smiled at the same time.
If it’s better than fighting Gao Fang and Grandet, there may be some concerns, but neither of them can cover the speed of wheel movement, especially Grandet, which is even more abnormal.
If we know that this treasure thief won’t attack Gao Rong and Grandet, naturally they won’t be afraid of this monster, so they both rushed at the treasure thief at the same time.
The treasure thief is also very alert. He didn’t even think about it when he saw someone rushing towards his side. He just took up his baggage and fled.
Lai Gaorang and Grandet were confident in their speed, but when they saw the speed of the treasure thief, they were completely shocked.
I didn’t expect this treasure thief to follow the motorcycle so fast that he left Gao Ranxian far behind without running a few steps. Although Grandet is catching up, he can still watch the treasure thief throw him away.
Just when the treasure thief was about to run away and disappear, Grandet suddenly launched a spider’s sac and saw a spider web that directly bound the treasure thief to the ground.
Although three seconds of bondage may not seem long, it’s enough for Grandet to make a chase.
Grandet’s coming to the thief of treasure is a hammer, with a big damage of 1 point. At the same time, the thief of treasure just got out of the bondage and fell into a dizzy state.
At this time, Gao Rang has also chased him, followed by Gao Rang and Grandet, who attacked the treasure thief at the same time. Two 1-point damages floated from the head of the treasure thief again. It seems that the damage that this monster can cause every time is also fixed at 1 point.
Free from dizziness, the treasure thief was about to run when Grandet sprayed a cobweb.
Now that we know that the damage of the treasure thief is rated at 1: 00, the faster it comes, the more cost-effective it is. So Gao Rang and Grandet seize the attack on the treasure thief in these three seconds, and the treasure thief will end when he is bound. At that moment, he still has 1 point of blood, and at this time, there is a little wave in the spider’s sac, so Gao Rang is very clever and instantly stuck in front of the treasure thief at the moment when the treasure thief is released.
Because of the high yield to stop the treasure thief’s body from coming, he bypassed too high and let his body be attacked by Grandet behind him and took away the last bit of blood.
After the death of the treasure thief, the body disappeared and directly became a treasure thief’s head, but the treasure thief burst out with that big burden on his back.
First of all, packing is a thing marked with beads, which should be something to work with the head of the treasure thief.
In addition, it must be said that Gao rang directly synthesized a soul crystal after receiving the soul of this treasure thief. This soul crystal has recovered to 3 points and has no soul resistance, which is also an unexpected gain!
In addition to the beads, there are more than 3 silver coins in total, and then there is a sheepskin scroll that looks a little shabby, and finally there is a beautiful box hidden in the back of the bag.
Playing scrolls Gao Rang and Grandet’s face turned gloomy. This thing turned out to be "sheepskin scroll No.1" and this scroll was given to the first No.3 word for word. Now, two parts have been collected, and then two parts can be combined to form a complete scroll. However, Gao Rang and Grandet are not optimistic about what scroll is very unexpected.
Since the scroll didn’t bring surprises, there is hope for the beautiful box.
Just look at the exquisite degree of that box, you will know that the contents will not be too bad, and maybe a blue level 1 equipment will be produced.
But this time let Gao Jean and Grandet down again.
The reason for disappointment is not that they are dissatisfied with the contents of the box, but that they can’t play the box at all
When Gao Jean and Grandet tried to play the box, their ears came to tell them.
It shows that this is a very valuable treasure box owner, who is afraid that the treasure box will be stolen by thieves, so he locks the box and needs a special treasure box key or a "lock" with advanced thief professional skills.
This article shows that two buckets of cold water have been poured into the heads of Gao Rang and Grandet, which is absolutely chilling.
Chapter 27 New worries
There’s no way. If you can’t fight, get up first!
Hou Gaorang and Grandet went back to Novice Village to find np Sheriff in exchange for a reward.
When Gao Jean and Grandet handed over the head of the treasure thief and the pearl to the sheriff, they not only got the two gold coins they deserved, but also got an extra 5 points for each person.

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Jul 8, 2024

"Just kiss? No, I don’t trust you. How can you care if I live or die after you have your own drug market? It’s said that it’s out of stock, and I’m not clairvoyant! Besides, the provincial capital is 300 kilometers away from nine planets. I don’t know if you are bigger? " Bai Xing is full of attitude of depending on you.

See Bai Xing don’t believe in yourself skin two dog is a first two head way "Bai Xing elder sister like today I really have one thousand jins of fate in the field, I said one person half is one person half no difference! You can check the goods if you don’t believe that the Guangjiaojiao truck hasn’t been developed in nine planets City! If you come out, I will give it to you, right? "
"No, no! Won’t she pull in two cars? You took advantage of my absence to go to the provincial capital. Who knows? " Bai Xing almost burst into tears. Now she is pointing to Pi two dog’s fate medicinal materials to make money, and buyers from all over the country are crying and crying for her to increase the purchase quantity!
"This doesn’t work that doesn’t work! Then what do you say? "
"You accept me to be your woman! This way I can rest assured, otherwise I will not rest assured! " Bai Xingxin said, Oh, my God, is it too disrespectful for me to fight for more medicinal materials? But not this way, how can I tie two dog’s heart? There seems to be a way to manage it!
Why should people be nice to you if they just think about making profits and don’t want to pay?
If you want others to be nice to you, you have to pay and repay them accordingly!
And Bai Xing’s real reward is her!
After she gives herself to him sincerely, he will naturally treat her sincerely!
"two dog, why are you worrying about me?"
"ah? Sister Bai Xing, is this … this not working? It’s not that you don’t know that I have an allergic disorder that hasn’t been cured! Maybe it will be cured when the second generation of Cynomorium comes out. Come back then! " Pi two dog’s heart says, two dog, two dog, you must stick to the bottom line. You can’t just plunge into the gentle hometown of Bai Xing’s elder sister. It’s the first time that a red dress elder sister is qualified to have the best. Leave me the best and I will give her the best. This is true love, isn’t it?
"You this guy I think you are normal? What allergy disorder? Why do I think you’re fooling amateurs? Why don’t we try? " Bai Xingxin said to keep a sister’s title in the drug market, so don’t throw caution to the wind.
"What I say is that this can also be false? What normal man doesn’t want to write with his beloved object! If I were normal, I would like to get you! "
Bai Xing suddenly lost his language when he saw that the goods were promised.
"That you give a deadline is one year or three years? You can’t make me wait within a time limit, can you? A woman can look at one age in just a few years, and it’s the dregs. Then you won’t bother to look at it! "
"Well, that’s not necessarily true." Pi two dog was cornered by Bai Xing, but he was not a prophet. How did he know when he could bring down the leather cannon? Besides, he has to think of some way to get wang hong to be the head of Da Nai Village, so Red Sister Zhang promised to be his horse officially, but there are great variables that he can’t decide! But if Bai Xing doesn’t give him a deadline, he will cling to him. This guy casually says, "Three years is good!" "
"You say three years! Then I will wait for you for three years! " Bai Xing jiao Chen gave him a look.
This guy saw Bai Xing or a dubious expression, so he kissed Bai Xing and soon Bai Xing was charming. "two dog, do you know that you filled my heart! You are my nemesis and my darling! "
"Sister Bai Xing, you are also my baby. I will treat you well. Don’t worry!"
The two still want to say something personal, which hinders Tian Huili’s fragrant field. Bai Xing found that he has two bedrooms here and asked, "two dog, you have a room here, which belongs to me!"
"Yes, Bai Xing, take a bath and go to bed early!" When Pi two dog saw it, it was after eleven o’clock in the middle of the night. He had to help Lan Guixin clean up in the early hours of the morning. Without his help, Duan Dianying, the ghost master, couldn’t get revenge.
"Are you going to stay with me?" Bai Xing said that it’s okay to sleep in the same bed if you can’t write.
"You forget that I’m still a village doctor. Lan Guixin has a strange disease that needs me to treat! See you later! " After that, Pi Ergou took Tian Huilixiang and drove straight to Lanfang Department Store.
Chapter 19 Revenge for Duan Dianying
After connecting with Lan Guixin, Pi two dog asked her if Ye Shaoshao’s neck amulet had been removed. After getting a positive answer, Pi Er Dog came to a bedroom with Tian Huili Xiang quietly and saw Ye Shaoshao sleeping like a dead pig.
Pi two dog took out a chapter on God’s Xiao Yin to prepare Ye Shaoyin Tang’s part, while Lan Guixin suddenly backed out and saw her preoccupied and called two dog aside. "two dog doesn’t know what, I’m afraid that once I’m exposed, I’ll bring trouble to you! There is another one. You know that the success of Lanfang Department Store today is largely due to the connections of Yejia. If Yejia is gone, I will have nothing to do with Yejia’s such a big mall. I have no idea? "
"LanJie now is the first time you want revenge to see how much his resentment don’t let him revenge he won’t let you peace! Of course, should I give you advice on how to do it or should you decide for yourself! " Pi two dog’s heart says that Lan Guixin will think so from her own interests, but this woman already knows that the former Dian Ying was a frenzied person who caused a car accident and killed her. She actually wanted to leave the former Xue Hai feud behind her business, which is a bit unreasonable.
"two dog, I know you will look down on me, but have you ever thought that if there are no employees in the mall, they will be paid at me? If the mall falls, they will have to lose their jobs. Yes, I hate Ye Shaoshao. It is this bastard who is crazy to do things that make people angry, but if you think about it, even if you can’t resurrect, even if you take revenge, you have to take another life. This is not only possible, but you may also take my mall to be buried!"
It seems that Lan Guixin doesn’t think about how to avenge her ex-boyfriend, but more about her own retreat.
Listening to her is the idea that even Tian Huili Xiang can’t watch it. She bluntly said, "Manager Lan, this idea is all wet! Shouldn’t a pseudo-gentleman like Ye Shao, who bears human life, get what he deserves? Ye Shaozheng can’t beat Duan Dianying, so he kills people by despicable means. Do you sound like you can’t bear him? Besides, don’t you dare think so, afraid that your ex-boyfriend will come to get even with you in the middle of the night? "
When Pi two dog saw Tian Huili’s fragrant mouth, he pulled her aside and scolded her, "You talk too much about pear fragrance. Shut up!"
"Hey boss!"
Discouraged the pear fragrance. He walked up to Lan Guixin like an ancient well. I’m sorry. "Sister Lan, I’m outspoken. Don’t take it to heart, but I promised Duan Dianying to avenge him last night. Ye Shao is afraid that I can’t escape the doom!"
"two dog pear fragrance scold you right. How can I sympathize with Ye Ganneng, the murderer? Oh, I’m so confused! " Lan Guixin said, Oh, my God, what happened to me? Money has to be divided. Dianying, I was wrong. I confess to you. I am guilty. I am sorry!
"Lan Jie Ye can do this person’s hate and hide it so deeply, which shows how terrible this person is. If you are soft-hearted, let him go. In the future, he will see that another woman has an accident and it is you!" He said that Ye Shaoshao had killed people and could feel at ease for so many years. If Duan Dianying hadn’t turned into a spectre for revenge and exposed the fact that Ye Ganneng was a murderer, I’m afraid this person could rest easy! I really can’t find a few such excellent psychological qualities in this world.
"ah? Two dog, it’s a good thing you woke me up. I really deserve to die! " Lan Guixin thought of one is that he died and got a layer of goose bumps all over.
"In your mall, don’t you have me now? What can I do without the connections of Ye Jia? I want you to operate honestly and legally. If it’s all difficult for you, call me! I will help you cover the field! " Pi two dog has just revitalized the White Wine Factory, and he can’t play without the super traffic of Lanfang Department Store.
"Ok, I’ll rely on you after that!" This is tantamount to reassuring Lan Guixin.
"Then, Sister Lan, after twelve o’clock, I will seal a chapter on Ye Shaoyin Hall to suck up the protective body, so that we can leave him behind!" This guy told the whole story, but it’s refreshing to think that a hidden villain got what he deserved.
"two dog, how would you say that Dian Ying would take revenge? Did he tell you? "
"LanJie Duan Dage didn’t say specific but he estimated it was a tit for tat Duan Dianying how to die! This kind of strange car accident requires us not to find a flaw, so we can rest assured! " Two dog’s heart says that Ye Ganneng will die in a few days. Think about it. He will go to a certain section of the road and die. It is also a good deed to resolve his resentment.
"Then will he come to me after he gets revenge?" Lan Guixin trembled with fear at the thought of being a ghost before this passage.
"Don’t worry about this. Brother Duan made it very clear that he would avenge him and he wouldn’t interfere with your life!"
"Oh, that’s good!" Say that finish LanGuiXin hands together and worship at a distance "temple English I’m sorry you! Every year after your death, I will burn more paper for you, a villa for you, and a few maids for BMW. You can rest assured! "
"It’s time for the boss!" At this moment Tian Huili sweet wake up his way
"Sister Lan, I’m going to stamp it. Pay attention to the fact that you must not panic before Brother Duan takes revenge. You must act as usual and not let Ye Shaoshao and his family have doubts." Pi two dog repeatedly told me
"two dog, if you don’t say it, it’s good to hear you say it so seriously. I’m afraid!" Lan Guixin is now like this, where is the boss of the mall down a peg or two? I will see her face gaunt, her eyes dim and her body slim. At first glance, she just can’t eat or sleep.
"Don’t be afraid of what?" His goods are being coaxed again. When Lan Guixin’s mood is stable, he will save up his hand, and the magic seal will flash into Ye Neng’s bedroom.
At this time, the bedside lamp was on in the bedroom, and I saw Ye Shaoshao lying motionless on the bed and listening carefully, I could still hear even breathing.

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