Dec 20, 2024



1. 抗炎镇痛:黄花仔中的有效成分能够抑制炎症反应,缓解疼痛,对于关节炎、跌打损伤等疾病具有一定的辅助治疗作用。

2. 抗病毒:黄花仔中的活性成分具有抗病毒作用,对于流感、肝炎等病毒性疾病有一定的预防和治疗作用。

3. 抗氧化:黄花仔含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如维生素C、维生素E等,能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老,增强免疫力。

4. 利尿消肿:黄花仔具有利尿消肿的作用,对于水肿、高血压等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. 保护心血管:黄花仔中的有效成分能够降低血脂、抗血小板聚集,从而保护心血管健康。

6. 增强免疫力:黄花仔中的多种营养成分能够增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,预防疾病。


1. 煎汤:将黄花仔洗净,切成小段,与适量瘦肉、姜片等一起煎汤饮用,具有清热解毒、活血行气的功效。

2. 炖汤:将黄花仔与排骨、鸡肉等食材一起炖汤,具有滋补身体、增强免疫力的作用。

3. 炒菜:将黄花仔洗净,切成小段,与其他蔬菜一起炒食,可增强食欲,补充营养。

4. 制成药膳:将黄花仔与其他中药材搭配,制成药膳,可针对特定疾病进行调理。



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Dec 20, 2024




1. 清热利湿:黄花仔具有清热利湿的功效,对于湿热内蕴所致的病症,如肝炎、早期肝硬化、阑尾炎等,有很好的治疗效果。

2. 解毒消肿:黄花仔有解毒消肿的作用,对于疮疖肿毒、带状疱疹、毒蛇咬伤等症,有良好的治疗效果。

3. 散瘀止痛:黄花仔具有散瘀止痛的功效,对于跌打损伤、关节疼痛等症,有较好的缓解作用。


1. 治疗肝炎、早期肝硬化:黄花仔具有清热利湿的作用,对于肝炎、早期肝硬化等病症有较好的治疗效果。

2. 治疗阑尾炎:黄花仔具有清热解毒、消肿止痛的功效,对于阑尾炎等病症有较好的缓解作用。

3. 治疗眼结膜炎、扁桃体炎:黄花仔具有清热解毒的作用,对于眼结膜炎、扁桃体炎等病症有较好的治疗效果。

4. 治疗疮疖肿毒、带状疱疹:黄花仔具有解毒消肿的功效,对于疮疖肿毒、带状疱疹等病症有良好的治疗效果。

5. 治疗毒蛇咬伤:黄花仔具有解毒消肿的作用,对于毒蛇咬伤等病症有较好的缓解作用。

6. 治疗跌打损伤:黄花仔具有散瘀止痛的功效,对于跌打损伤、关节疼痛等症,有较好的缓解作用。


1. 鲜用:1~2两。

2. 干用:0.5~1两。

3. 外用:适量,鲜品捣烂敷患处。


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Nov 12, 2024


1. **药用价值**:姜黄是药食同源的品种之一,原产于印度,具有悠久的药用历史。在古老的阿育吠陀疗法中,姜黄被视为重要的疗愈香料。在中国传统医药学中,如《唐草本》和《本草纲目》等经典药书也记载了姜黄的药用价值。

2. **抗炎作用**:姜黄中的主要活性成分是姜黄素,具有强大的抗炎作用,可以减轻炎症反应,对关节炎等炎症性疾病有一定的缓解作用。

3. **抗氧化能力**:姜黄素具有很强的抗氧化能力,可以清除体内的自由基,对抗氧化应激,有助于延缓衰老和预防多种慢性疾病。

4. **抗癌作用**:研究表明,姜黄素可能具有抗癌作用,可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散。

5. **消化系统健康**:姜黄有助于改善消化系统健康,能够缓解胃部不适,促进消化。

6. **心血管健康**:姜黄中的成分有助于降低胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。

7. **美容养颜**:姜黄具有抗氧化作用,可以帮助皮肤抵抗自由基,延缓衰老,保持皮肤年轻。

8. **烹饪应用**:姜黄粉是咖喱等印度菜肴的主要成分,其独特的黄色来自于姜黄粉,不仅增添了食物的色泽,也增添了独特的风味。


9. **经济价值**:对于当地农民来说,姜黄是重要的经济来源。例如,福建长汀的姜黄产业,以其优越的地理环境和气候条件,成为公认的天然姜黄产业带。


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Nov 11, 2024


### 凡士林的功效:

1. **保湿与滋润**:凡士林能够锁住皮肤水分,防止水分流失,使皮肤保持湿润,适合干燥、粗糙、脱皮和龟裂肌肤使用。

2. **抗炎杀菌**:具有抗炎和杀菌作用,对皮肤炎症有一定的缓解作用。

3. **软化皮肤**:凡士林能软化皮肤,促进皮肤新陈代谢,改善肤质。

4. **缓解症状**:对于皮肤瘙痒、疼痛、红肿等症状有缓解作用。

5. **护唇作用**:适用于干燥、脱皮的嘴唇,保持唇部湿润,对唇炎等唇部疾病有预防和治疗作用。

6. **化妆品用途**:作为妆前霜使用,可以让妆容更加服帖,减少脱妆;作为粉底的稀释剂和保湿剂,提高粉底的滋润性和持久性。


7. **伤口护理**:用于伤口的护理,如湿疹、皮炎等皮肤病的症状缓解,促进皮肤修复。

8. **口腔溃疡治疗**:用于口腔溃疡的治疗,能促进口腔溃疡的愈合。

### 凡士林的应用:

1. **护肤**:适合干燥、粗糙、脱皮和龟裂肌肤的保养,特别是在冬季和干燥环境中。

2. **化妆**:作为妆前霜使用,增加妆容的持久性。

3. **唇部护理**:作为睡前唇膏,使唇部恢复水润光泽。

4. **手部护理**:在干燥季节使用,保持手部皮肤湿润。

5. **伤口护理**:用于治疗皮肤裂口、皮肤干燥、皮肤瘙痒等。


6. **药物基质**:作为药物的基质,用于防止感染。

7. **医疗用途**:如鼻腔止血、耳炎填塞、烧伤、烫伤、皮肤感染等。


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Nov 3, 2024


1. **美白养颜、润肤抗衰老**:雪胶中含有丰富的植物胶原蛋白和多种氨基酸,有助于改善皮肤状态,减少细纹和皱纹,使肌肤更加紧致有弹性。

2. **护肝明目、淡斑祛斑**:雪胶具有护肝作用,可以帮助肝脏解毒,减轻眼疲劳,改善视力,同时对淡化和祛除色斑有一定的效果。

3. **提神醒脑、延年益寿**:雪胶富含多种维生素和矿物质,能够增强体质,提高免疫力,从而有助于提神醒脑,延年益寿。

4. **润肺滋阴**:雪胶有助于润肺滋阴,对于缓解喉咙干痛、咳嗽等症状有一定的帮助。

5. **抗炎、促进创伤愈合**:雪胶具有抗炎作用,可以直接涂抹于伤口,促进创伤愈合。

6. **提高免疫力,抗病抗癌**:雪胶中含有的菌多糖等成分,有助于提高人体免疫力,对抗疾病和癌症。

7. **净化血液抗肿瘤**:雪胶有助于净化血液,减少血液中的有害物质,对抗肿瘤。

8. **抗放化疗,帮助化疗副作用**:雪胶可以帮助减轻放化疗的副作用,对化疗患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

9. **保肝护肝,帮助提高肝脏解毒功能**:雪胶有助于保护肝脏,提高肝脏的解毒功能。

10. **对三高有调节和控制作用**:雪胶具有调节血糖、血脂、血压的作用,对于高血压、高血脂、高血糖等慢性病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

11. **抗凝抗酸抗溃疡**:雪胶具有抗凝、抗酸、抗溃疡的作用,有助于改善胃部不适。

12. **帮助钙的吸收,有助成长、强健筋骨**:雪胶含有丰富的钙、铁等矿物质,有助于骨骼健康和成长。


13. **调节胃肠促消化**:雪胶具有调节胃肠功能,促进消化的作用。


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Nov 1, 2024


1. **丰富的抗氧化剂**:抹茶中含有的抗氧化剂,如儿茶素,是它发挥营养价值的关键。这些抗氧化剂能够支持解毒、减少炎症、保护细胞,并延缓衰老。


2. **心血管健康**:抹茶中的多酚和儿茶素,特别是表没食子儿茶素-3-没食子酸酯(EGCG),已被证明有助于降低胆固醇和血压,减少心脏病风险和某些癌症风险。


3. **增强新陈代谢和减肥**:抹茶中的咖啡因和L-茶氨酸结合能提供稳定的能量,同时不会引起焦虑不安或副作用。这种组合有助于增强运动时的脂肪燃烧能力,长期饮用可能影响与脂肪燃烧相关的基因表达。

4. **精神集中与大脑功能**:抹茶中的咖啡因和L-茶氨酸有助于集中精神,提高注意力和反应能力,增强大脑功能。

5. **免疫增强**:抹茶中的特殊儿茶素EGCg能够增强免疫系统,限制病毒和细菌的入侵和生长。

6. **肝脏保护**:抹茶有助于保护肝脏免受脂肪肝疾病的侵害,并减少导致肝脏损害的酶。

7. **口腔健康**:抹茶的抗菌作用有助于防止口腔内有害细菌的生长,保持口腔清洁。

8. **营养均衡**:抹茶含有多种营养成分和微量元素,如蛋白质、维生素、矿物质等,对人体健康十分有益。


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Oct 23, 2024


1. **改善血液循环**:纳豆粉中含有一种名为纳豆激酶的物质,这种酶具有强大的溶解血栓的能力,有助于改善血液循环,预防心血管疾病。

2. **减肥作用**:纳豆粉中的纳豆激酶能够促进脂肪代谢,有助于减肥。同时,纳豆粉的热量较低,可以作为健康饮食的一部分。

3. **润肺、消炎、解毒**:纳豆粉含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,具有润肺、消炎、解毒的功效。

4. **调节血糖**:对于糖尿病患者来说,纳豆粉中的营养成分有助于调节血糖水平,降低血糖。

5. **补钙、补铁**:纳豆粉富含钙、铁等矿物质,有助于补钙、补铁,增强体质。


6. **增强免疫力**:纳豆粉中的营养成分有助于增强人体免疫力,预防疾病。

7. **改善消化**:纳豆粉中的益生菌有助于改善肠道菌群平衡,促进消化吸收。

8. **缓解肾虚、肾亏**:纳豆粉中的营养成分有助于缓解肾虚、肾亏等症状,对肾脏健康有益。

9. **补血作用**:纳豆粉中的铁质有助于补血,改善贫血症状。

10. **抗衰老**:纳豆粉中的抗氧化物质有助于清除体内的自由基,减缓衰老过程。


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Oct 18, 2024


1. **清热解毒**:金银花性质寒凉,能够有效清热解毒,对于因体内热毒过重引起的症状,如发热、咽喉肿痛、口舌生疮等,有预防和缓解作用。

2. **抗菌消炎**:金银花含有丰富的天然抗菌成分,能有效抑制多种细菌和病毒的生长,对于预防和治疗肠炎、感冒、咽喉炎等多种疾病有积极作用。

3. **提高免疫力**:金银花中的多糖和微量元素能够增强人体免疫力,促进免疫细胞再生,提高巨噬细胞的吞噬能力,从而增强人体对疾病的抵抗力。

4. **抗氧化**:金银花含有丰富的黄酮类化合物,具有抗氧化作用,可以中和自由基,减轻身体的氧化损伤,有助于提升身体的抗氧化能力。

5. **镇静安神**:金银花中的挥发油成分具有镇静作用,可以用于缓解焦虑、失眠和神经衰弱等症状。

6. **解热镇痛**:金银花还具有解热镇痛的效果,对于缓解头痛、关节痛等疼痛症状有一定帮助。

7. **护肝**:金银花对肝脏有一定的保护作用,可以帮助改善肝脏功能。


8. **利尿**:金银花还有利尿作用,有助于排出体内多余水分,缓解水肿。

9. **美容养颜**:金银花泡水饮用,对于美容养颜、调节内分泌也有一定效果。


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Jul 11, 2024

The Nets and Clippers are different. Vallejo is much better than Jordan Junior at this stage. Moreover, the Nets actually play as a double center, and their ability to fight against national hatred has reached the center level. It is difficult for James to get cheap defense against these two lines in the basket.

James hit two shots in the third quarter, but Nash hit another three-pointer in response. This is the fifth three-pointer that the Canadian hit in the game. He has already scored two points.
Half-time Nets players shoot more decisively. Two 7-foot-long men rush to the basket for rebounds every attack. Spoelstra seems to understand the Nets’ intention. Are they going to make a fuss about rebounds?
The idea of Filipinos is to throw Matthews off the basketball at Haslem’s head and point to the outside line again.
Nash watched the basketball fly, and even bullied Chalmers’ height. The main position prevented the opponent from jumping and reached for the height advantage to catch the basketball.
Nets fans laughed when they saw it. Now they find that their team’s five positions are actually higher than the Heat. They have an overwhelming advantage in height!
Chapter seven hundred and thirty-four The eternal problem
The Heat suffered a big loss in rebounding in the third quarter. The height advantage of the Nets made teammates throw their basketball off the court one after another and fought for the Heat players in the second place. Paul George, Matthews and Nash were all better than themselves.
But this is not the problem. The height disadvantage of James and Wade is not obvious, and they are stronger. It is not inferior to compete at the second landing point. The problem is that the attacking team is farther away from the nets and the basketball is closer to them.
On what level of basketball game rebounds, if you can’t keep the game, you can’t play the heat. Once you are hit by a soft spot.
In the third quarter, 2 minutes and 5 seconds after Wade steals, James launches a fast break. When the basket is approaching, the little emperor turns around and passes Matthews for a one-handed dunk to end the attack.
Matthews was knocked to the ground, and James dunked in the background, but the Nets still led 66.
James’s dunk is the tenth in the Heat’s section, which is almost over, and the Heat’s score has just exceeded single digits.
The loss of rebound at half-time directly led to the low morale of Heat players, including the Big Three, which became more and more lifeless in this team against the background of home fans.
Spoelstra is now the most active one in the Heat. The Philippine coach jumped up and down on the sidelines and waved and shouted at the players in an attempt to arouse their fighting spirit.
It’s not easy for this puppet coach. Players don’t respect him, employees look down on him, and fans throw all the pots at him and replace them with ordinary people. This pressure has already crushed people. How can he be so active now and still have the energy to jump on the sidelines and command the team in an attempt to defeat?
In the third quarter, Ji Guoqiu’s offensive end felt slowly coming back. Facing Bosh’s defense, he first turned around and pretended to break through the basket. Bosh quickly moved horizontally to block Ji Guoqiu, but then he pulled out a jump and drifted to shoot the ball. He stretched himself out in the crowd of the heat basket and threw the basketball in a beautiful posture and threw it into the net with one heart!
Bosh couldn’t finish the ball just by raising his hand. Ji Guoqiu had already shot, and he could watch the basketball fall into the basket.
"Cool!" Ji Guoqiu scored this goal and immediately knew that he felt back.
He also knows that the ball will definitely enter the top ten ball. It is rare for a line with a height of 7 feet to make such a move, and it is even more rare for him to complete it with such elegance. It requires strong explosive power, waist and abdomen strength and flexibility.
Bosh can’t move like this. His explosive power and flexibility may be enough, but his waist and abdomen strength and skills are not enough to support him to complete such a shot. This is the difference between a real giant and a fake giant.
Ji Guoqiu scored the performance from the last two minutes of the third quarter. The giant panda first scored a top ten goal, which made Bosh as the background board, and then staggered and challenged James in the center of the circle top. After the change of direction, Lee skipped past James in the waist and threw a long arm to hit the board, and then scored a goal, which made the real giant as the background board.
Continental Airlines Center is boiling again. Nets fans cheer higher and higher. What could be happier than having such a superstar in their own team?
Maybe fans will be happier than they are now when they win the championship.
After the score of 76:66 in the third quarter, the basket entered the final quarter with great advantages, and they beat the Heat by 14 points in the third quarter.
Ji Guoqiu scored 6 points in the last two minutes of the festival and got 1 point, 6 rebounds and 2 assists in a single quarter. His personal data became 2 points, 1 rebound, 9 assists and 4 blocks. His outburst made the Miami people’s flame lower, and now it is almost extinguished by Brother Panda.
Jeff Van Gundy focused his attention on the Nets’ frontcourt rebound before the fourth quarter. "Brother Panda grabbed a frontcourt rebound today, and someone in the Heat grabbed a frontcourt rebound once, dating back to June 14th, 2006, when Haslem grabbed a frontcourt rebound in the finals between the Heat and the Mavericks."
Mark Jackson said, "Brother Panda’s previous rebounding record in the regular season is one playoff, and he has now tied his own record."
N was also in the live broadcast of the game. Charles Buckley saw the camera facing the big three sitting on the sidelines and suddenly asked, "Kenny, who do you think will win if the three of them fight after being eliminated?"
When Kenny Smith heard this, he said with all his heart that the game was not won yet. You’re going to be eliminated. I’m really afraid of going out and getting beaten!
However, he still answered the question. Kenny Smith laughed. "James is strong. Wade runs fast and Bosh is a little soft. I guess Wade ran and James beat Bosh."
It’s a bitch when two people finish laughing!
Just as several Heat fans pulled out their guns and prepared to kill two brain-dead anchors one day, the two teams came to the rotation again in the fourth quarter.
The Nets sent Bledsoe, Matthews, coval, Humphries and Wallace.
The Heat can change Mike Bibby, James Jones, Mac Miller, Howard and Big Z.
If Miami people don’t get shit during the rotation, this group of substitute players will give full play.
Bledsoe was crushed by the Zen master, and the whole passion was released at this deadly moment. Bibi did have too much experience in the face of blood distribution, but there was no more experience when the physical gap was too large
Big Z is the only Heat player who has an advantage in counterpoint in this set. Although he is 36 years old, big Z still does not lose to young people.
In the fourth quarter, 11 minutes and 2 seconds, big Z grabbed the rebound in the frontcourt and got the basket.
In the fourth quarter, 1 minute and 33 seconds, it was another big Z crowd who grabbed the frontcourt rebounds and made up the basket. His 4 points were life-saving for the Heat.
But the good times didn’t last long. Bradso’s two flash assaults made Big Z try to return to Matthews in an instant, and then he broke through the slow-moving Jones basket, making it two plus one and pouring a bucket of cold water on the heat.
In the fourth quarter, 9 minutes and 3 seconds, the Heat can change James before, and the score has reached 3:7. The Heat is 13 points behind the Nets.
In addition to changing James Wade, the Heat are back in the lineup, and Miami’s two outside giants are ready to make a final fight.
In the fourth quarter, at 7 minutes and 1 second, James’ breakthrough caused Ji Guoqiu’s fourth foul and two free throws. The Heat tied the score to 755.
The Nets didn’t give them a chance to further narrow the score. After continuous shooting, Kevor finally got three points, and the Nets once again widened the difference to 13 points.
Wade and James scored successively in the last 4 minutes and 4 seconds. When Wade missed the shot, James jumped up directly and made a dunk in the middle. At the same time, Vallejo made a foul for the fifth time and even got a penalty of 3 points.
The two real giants of the Heat are in the final struggle. Wei Deqiang hit Tony Allen for a foul and made two free throws. Then CIC succeeded in leading the Heat to play a wave of 7 and 694 in one fell swoop to narrow the difference to 10 points.
The Nets faced the fire, and the two giants were a little overwhelmed. Jackson was forced to call the pause button twice in a minute, and Ji Guoqiu came out again. He turned around and shot the basketball in Bosh and James’ double-team and made a foul for the little emperor.
After Ji Guoqiu scored, he roared and James was silent.
He should have been able to cover Ji Guoqiu just now, but the giant panda’s arm is too long, and finally it’s a little worse. If his arm span can be longer …
It’s the first time that James feels that his arm is short, because compared with Kobe Bryant and Griffin James, the arm span is not short, but it still seems a little short now!
Nash hit his seventh three-pointer in the fourth quarter at 2 minutes and 2 seconds and scored his second point.
Lao na’s performance today is equally remarkable. He hit several key goals and today’s performance is definitely called "giant"
The Nets scored this three-pointer and completely defeated the Heat’s pursuit of points. The score came to 12:91, and the Nets once again widened the difference to double digits.
It was not until a minute later that the Heat hit a three-pointer by Wade and James hit a three-pointer on the outside, but the game was not enough for them to win again.
Ji Guoqiu hit Bosh again in the last 4 seconds of the game, causing a foul and getting two free throws.

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Jul 11, 2024


A dozen punches in a row have just blocked Zhai Ling’s eyes, and the mountain has been smashed out. One person has a big mouth and Zhai Ling looks in. Sure enough, there is but a big rock blocking the mouth of the cave.
Zhai Ling immediately flew out and crushed the rock, then bowed slightly towards the secret cat and went in.
Zhai Ling didn’t know that just a few minutes after he entered the secret passage, a young man happened to pass by and saw the mountain wall being smashed out of the hole. "Someone actually chiseled a hole here?"
Feeling a little incredible, the young man carefully looked up at the past but saw the winding path inside.
"Secret passage?"
The young man suddenly felt happy again, and hurriedly took a small iron box from him and opened it. There was a treasure hunt mouse lying inside.
"Hey hey little darling, your dream of making a fortune depends on you."
Watching the treasure hunt mouse fly in, the young man grinned, then looked around and went in, and blocked the hole with a rock.
Intuition told him that there was definitely a big secret in it.
Maybe he will send it this time.
Zhai Ling looked at the three ways in front of him. This secret passage was not designed by Lire Evil himself, but he took up the secret passage of others and processed it himself.
Take the path on the far left
Zhai Ling chose the path on the left without hesitation, and now he vaguely remembers that the other two paths are doomed.
After walking along this path for more than ten minutes, Zhai Ling finally arrived and looked at the crystal surrounding the wall and the golden little tree in the middle of the secret room. Zhai Ling grinned.
Finally found
This chamber of secrets has been decorated by Li Re evil. If he didn’t appoint someone to come here, he would definitely be hidden in this chamber of secrets and killed in minutes.
Sweep the eyes beside a pile of bones Zhai Ling walked to the golden tree and bit his finger and shed blood to recognize the Lord!
A powerful force immediately attracted Zhai Ling and dragged him to the middle school. The strange force from Dantian made Zhai Ling deeply feel the majestic vitality of the Maha smallpox treasure tree
The precious tree recognizes the Lord successfully!
2, hands-on (collection)
When the Maha smallpox treasure tree entered the body, the crystal was ready to move.
Even Zhailing didn’t react, and the Maha smallpox treasure tree turned into a streamer and was absorbed by the crystal. This scene also made Zhai Ling "an eye-opener."
It’s hard to find the precious tree yourself, and it was taken away before it was hot? !
Zhai Ling hurriedly went to Lianshi Crystal.
Although he had never heard of this Maha smallpox treasure tree before, Li Ruoxie remembered that it was very powerful.
Don’t say evil emperor. Those ancient powers are very jealous.
If this is gone, who will you talk to?
A trace of spirit hurriedly attached to the crystal then disappeared into it.
Less than three interest rates when Zhai Ling is zheng.
"When the crystal can actually evolve the precious tree of Maha smallpox?"
A thing that can evolve ancient powers and things that are hot-eyed. Isn’t that a sacred thing among sacred things?
Zhai Ling eyed the crystal in amazement.
Speaking of the time, the crystal Zhai Ling only stays. It can store things and automatically protect the main function. It is not clear about its specific Zhai Ling until now.
Eye can evolve baby is ZhaiLing just know … Well, Zhai Ling also know these three functions at present.
"Maybe it’s because my strength is too low, otherwise, how can I not even understand my baby?" Zhai Ling scratched his head.
All this has also made Zhai Ling more eager to be strong.
Of course, what he wants to be strong is not to say what level the freshmen of the college have reached, let alone freshmen, even those new core members are not necessarily Zhai Ling opponents.
What he wants to be strong is to go to the top of the realm of repair.
As he said to dad in those days-
"Dad, one day I will be the most powerful fix true person in the fix true world. Then I will buy a big house and marry a beautiful daughter-in-law and let’s live together as a family …"
With a sigh, Zhai Ling swept around his eyes and was ready to leave.
When the crystal evolved, the Maha smallpox treasure tree could not be completed so quickly. Anyway, the treasure tree was in his hand, so he was not in a hurry to see the treasure tree, and it was the same when he went back to the college to see it.
Presumably evolution will be completed by then.
"Huh?" Zhailing light yi caught a glimpse of a white mouse sneaking in. Zhai Ling didn’t intend to note the mouse, but his heart shook as if it were white. Step by step, he caught the mouse.
"Golden nose and feet have spiritual lines … Hehe, I’m still lucky that I found the treasure hunt mouse."
When Zhai Ling chuckled, he threw the treasure hunt mouse into the crystal, and there was a living ability in the crystal when Zhai Ling was there. Generally, the ring can do this.
I got the Maha smallpox treasure tree. Although I can’t make it immediately, it’s not bad. This time, I met an extremely rare treasure hunt mouse. Zhai Ling naturally laughed and sighed that he was lucky.
Intersection bend
When Zhai Linggang walked out, he saw a young man frowning at the choice of three paths and thinking about where to go.
The young man was very happy in his heart, but when the treasure hunt mouse walked into three paths, he lost contact with him, which made him a little angry. Why did something happen this time?
-was robbed?
-this is my own aunt personally banned me. Most people crack it by law …
"hmm? This is small? " Ma Haifeng was still thinking, but suddenly he saw someone come out and was pleasantly surprised.
For an instant, both eyes met and each had a look.
"Xiao gang came out from the treasure? Hey hey, take it out for me and I’ll spare you from dying. "Ma Haifeng suddenly left with his fist clenched and ferocious laughed.
It seems to him that Zhai Ling is younger than himself and doesn’t show any breath at all, so he must be a novice at fixing truth.
Hey, hey, I’m so lucky to rob the treasure with me. I’m actually a novice at fixing truth. Haha
Ma Haifeng side ferocious laugh Zhai Ling is frowned at the eye behind Ma Haifeng road suddenly interrupted thought of the treasure hunt rats are white.
I was found out when I was looking for treasure myself? !
Zhai Ling secretly remorse also determined to never make such a mistake at a time to recover the mind Zhai Ling don’t want to bother to pretend koo sample doubt way "treasure? What treasure? "
"Huh?" Ma Haifeng, why don’t you give me a smile?
Looked Zhai Ling eyes grunted "give old play dumb and say what you got from it, baby? Don’t say I killed you! "
With that, Ma Haifeng also inquired about Zhai Ling’s eyes and muttered to himself, "The treasure-hunting mouse is not his body. Didn’t this little guy really get any treasure?"
Zhai Ling, of course, can understand Ma Haifeng’s facial expression, which is also funny.

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